128. GACON, Stanislaw, living
at Bukowa, near Jaslo, Tarnow prov.
129. GACON, Apolonia, his
The couple was shot on May
28, 1943, together with a 13 months old Jewish girl sheltered by Apolonia
130. GAJDA, Grzegorz, farmer,
from Grzegorzowka, near Lancut, Rzeszow prov.
On Dec. 27, 1943, the SS
officers from Lancut shot him for helping Jews hiding in the nearby forest;
together with them died Stefan Piechura (see 458).
131. GALEC, Maria, 50, living
at Przeszkoda, near Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, Kielce prov.
On Apr. 6, 1944 the
military police from Ostrowiec killed her for sheltering two (2) Jewish males
with first names of Marian and Grzegorz, who also perished. The husband
of Maria, Stanislaw, not present at the time, was soon after arrested and
sent to Auschwitz, from where he returned home seriously ill and died in
1946. 132. GALAT, Jan, 30, farmer,
living at Nasutow, near Niemce, Lublin prov.
Together with his wife, Marianna
(MAJCHRZAK from her 1st marriage) they sheltered two Jews, the Rozgolds,
in their barn. On Nov. 20, 1942, the Jews were discovered by the
military police and shot, while Jan was taken to Lubartow and hanged; his
wife, being then in Lublin, survived.
133. GALGAN, Agnieszka, living
at Sokolow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
She was executed in the summer
1943 for sheltering Jewish women. Bartlomiej Gielarowski, Karolina
Marciniec and the Jews they were sheltering were also killed (see: 144,
365). 134. GARLICKI, Zofia, physician,
68, living in Warsaw
Arrested on Aug. 11, 1942,
for taking into her home Dr. Natalia Zand, who escaped from the ghetto.
Dr. Zand was shot the next day in the ghetto and Dr. Garlicki perished
in Auschwitz, in November of that year.
135. GARNCAREK, Franciszek,
priest, living in Warsaw As priest of the St. Augustyn
parish, bordering on the nearby ghetto, he rendered help to its inhabitants,
among other things, by communicating with the Polish underground Home Army
(AK). On Dec. 20, 1943 he was murdered on the threshold of his presbytery.
136. GAWEL, Michal, from
Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
Killed in a mass execution
on Mar 13, 1943 for sheltering Jews (see: 49-51).
137. GAWRON, Czeslaw, 20,
living at Wola Przybyslawska, near Garbow, Lublin prov.
138. GAWRON, Leonard, 21,
his brother
The brothers were murdered
on Dec. 10, 1942, together with the Aftyka family for helping Jews (see:
3-6). 139. GAWRYCH, Jan, 50, forester
from Czarna, near Minsk Mazowiecki, Siedlce
Shot on Jan. 30, 1943, together
with a group of Jews whom he helped, beside some partisans and two fugitive
Soviet POW's. With them died also Stanislaw Skuza and Dawid Rutkowski,
who co-operated with Gawrych (see: 526, 558).
140. GAWRYS, Piotr, 20, from
Polomia, near Tarnow, Rzeszow prov.
Murdered on Sep. 9, 1943,
with eight (8) other Poles, for sheltering Jews.
141. GASIOR, Aleksander,
farmer, living at Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
142. GERGERA, Henryk, farmer
Both were shot on June 28,
1943, in a group of 25 people for help to Jews organized by the village
(see: 9).
143. GERULA, Michal, farmer,
from Lozinka Dolna, Cracow prov.
He was shot on Feb. 23, 1944
- sentenced to death by the Standgericht (a special court of the SS and
the police commander) in Cracow for sheltering Jews.
144. GIELAROWSKI, Bartomiej,
from Trzebuska, near Sokolow Malopolski,
Rzeszow prov.
Shot in the summer of 1943
together with Karolina Marciniec, for sheltering five (5) Jews from Sokolow
Malopolski (see: 133). 145. GLONIAK, Walenty, 50,
living at Biala, near Tyczyn, Rzeszow prov.
146. GLONIAK, Jozef, son
They were shot on Oct. 15,
1943, together with three (3) Jews from Tyczyn, sheltered by them.
147. GNIDULA, Jozef, 70,
farmer, from Majdan Nowy, near Ksiezpol, Zamosc prov.
He was shot on Dec. 29,
1942, with his cousin, Anna Margol, for sheltering a Jewish woman Boruch (first
name unknown). The latter, being captured and beaten by the military
police, and being promised her life, gave away the names of people who
sheltered and helped her. As a result perished also: Katarzyna and
Jozef Kowal, Anastazja and Maria Lubiarz and Kazimierz Szabata. Boruch
was also killed (see: 262-263, 344-345, 370, and 592).
148. GOLA, Andrzej, 41, from
Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov. He was shot on May 9, 1943,
with 15 other inhabitants for hiding Jews (see: 70-71).
149. GOLEN, Eleonora, living
at Jaslo, Krosno prov.
Shot, together with another
Pole in 1943 by the German police and the SS for sheltering a 12 years
old Jewish boy, also killed.
150. GRABOWSKI, Irena, living
at Piastow, Warsaw prov.
From April 1942 she concealed
a small group of Jews, while helping many others. Together with her
mother she gave refuge to the Mortkowicz family, publishers and booksellers
from Warsaw. Arrested on Feb. 7, 1944 she was shot after a brutal
questioning, on Apr. 26 of that year.
151. GRABOWSKI, Marian, living
in Kowel (town incorporated after the war into
the Soviet Ukraine)
Shot in November 1943 with
the Jewish woman he was sheltering. 152. GRANAT, Antoni, 38,
living at Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
Killed on May 9, 1943, with
15 villagers for sheltering Jews (see: 70-71).
153. GRUCHALA, Anna, living
at Dabrowa Tarnowska, Tarnow prov.
154. GRUCHALA, Julia, her
Gendarmes killed Anna in
the summer of 1944 with seven (7) Jews, the Szyfers, hidden by the Gruchalas.
Julia was sent to Bergen-Belsen camp where she died. 155. GRZESIK, Ferdynand,
living in Warsaw
Arrested on July 3, 1942,
for working as an advisor in sabotage tactics in the ghetto, on orders
from the Polish socialist underground. He was hanged on Leszno Street
in Warsaw on Oct. 15, 1942. 156. GRZESZCZYK (Christian
name unknown) from Zajaczkow, near Ciepielow, Radom prov.
Killed with a number
of other villagers from Zajaczkow and Tymienica by the military police, for
help to Jewish refugees (see: 320-322). 157. GRZYB, Jan, 80,
farmer, living at Wiewiorka, near Debica, Tarnow prov
158. GRZYB, Jadwiga
80, his wife
The Gestapo from Debica murdered
them for sheltering Jews. 159. GRZYWNOWICZ, Franciszek,
22, from Przeclaw, near Miechow, Kielce pr.
Jozef, 23, brother
Both were killed on Aug.
27, 1943, for hiding a Jewish family of five (5) people. 161. GUT, Adam, 30,
living at Hucisko, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
162. GUT, Jozef, 21
163. GUT, Marcin,
They were killed on Jun.10,
1943, for helping Jews in the village (see: 19-20)
164. GUT, Ludwik, 38,
from Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
Killed on May 9, 1943, with
others for sheltering Jews (see: 70-71).