205. KACZMAREK, Zygmunt,
from Dobroszyce, near Radomsko, prov.
Shot on Dec. 20, 1943 on
his property, with Jan Malczewski, for helping Jews, including Abraham Zelkowicz
and his 10-year old son (see: 358).
206. KACZMARSKI, Stefan,
living at Ksiazniczki near Michalowice, Cracow prov. For helping three (3)
Jews, he was killed on June 3, 1943 during a German roundup, as he allowed them
to hide on his farm and in the barn of a neighbor, Stanislaw Sojka.
One of the three Jewish fugitives managed to escape (see: 567).
207. KALINA, Jan, 82,
farmer, from Rytwiany, near Staszow, Tarnobrzeg prov.
He was shot in November
1943 for helping Jews in hiding.
208. KALUZA, Maria,
28, from Jaworze Dolne, near Pilzno, Tarnow prov.
On Feb. 4, 1943 the Gestapo
killed her for sheltering six (6) Jews, including Mendel Ekstein. Also
killed were her grandparents, Jan and Wiktoria Psioda, as well as Jozef
Maduzia, and Jozef Ryba and all the Jews. (see: 354, 493-494, 530).
209. .KAMINSKI, Stanislaw,
from Wola Przybyslawska, near Garbow
210. KAMINSKI, Aniela,
his wife
Killed on Dec. 10, 1942 with
17 other villagers (including the Aftyka family) for helping Jewish people
(see: 3-6).
211. KAMINSKI Stefania,
30, from Kielnarowa, near Tyczyn, Rzeszow prov.
Shot at Tyczyn on Oct. 15,
1943, with four (4) Poles for helping Jews (see: 191).
212. KANIA, Ludwik,
33, living at Stobierna, near Debica, Tarnow prov.
He was shot in June of 1943
on his farm for helping Jews.
213. KAPUSTKA, Andrzej,
living in Tarnow
For helping a Jew in transporting
his furniture, he was murdered by the Gestapo.
214. KEPA, Antoni,
farmer, from Wolica, near Debica, Tarnow prov.
Murdered on Sep. 11, 1943
for help given to Jews.
215. KIELBASA, Stefan,
18, living in Nowy Sacz
Shot with an unknown friend
in 1942 in Nowy Sacz by the Gestapo for supplying Jewish friends with falsified
216. KIRYLSKI, Franciszek,
56, night watchman, living at Paulinow, near
Sokolow Podlaski, Siedlce prov.
Shot by an SS unit on Feb.
24, 1943, together with a group of 14 people, victims of a provocation
several weeks earlier (see: 14).
217. KLIS, Michal,
Polish (Blue) police officer, living in Cracow
Arrested on Sep. 11, 1943
and shot for preparing false documents for Jews.
218* KLUBA, Stanislaw, from
Kamyk, near Lapanow, Tarnow prov.
Sheltered three (3) Jews
including Moses Landner and Irena Rajs. On Dec. 4, 1943 the military
police discovered the hideout; the Jewish fugitives were shot immediately,
but Kluba was executed only on Jan. 20, 1944. Posthumously awarded
the medal of "Righteous Among the Nations".
219. KMIEC, Anna Zofia,
51, from Radgoszcz-Poreba, Tarnow prov.
220. KMIEC, Bronislaw,
19, her son
For sheltering Jews, including
the son of a baker from Radgoszcz, he was shot on Nov. 28, 1942.
Anna Zofia's baby grandchildren, Bronislawa and Janina Soltys died also,
as well as Tomasz and Bronislawa Juzba (see: 203-204, 574-575).
221. KOGUT, Anna, living
at Dabrowa Tarnowska, Tarnow prov.
German gendarmes shot her
in September 1944, together with the Jewish Metzger family of three (3),
sheltered by her.
222. KOLANO, Marcin,
36, from Hucisko, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
Killed in a mass execution
on June 10, 1943, for sheltering Jews (see: 19-20).
Kazimierz, 58, professor of the Lvov University (city
incorporated after the war into the Soviet Ukraine)
Arrested in 1942 for giving
medical help to his Jewish housekeeper, he was murdered at the Majdanek
camp on Feb. 20, 1943.
224. KOMARNICKI, Leokadia,
professor's wife, living in Warsaw
Extricated Jews out of the
ghetto and sheltered them in her home or found them places of refuge, sharing
with them all she had. When traveling to Lowicz, to collect a debt
owed to one of them, she was betrayed by the debtor, as a "Jewish guardian"
and was shot by the Gestapo.
225. KONIECZNY, Natalia,
living at Giebultow, near Ksiaz Wielki, Kielce prov.
226. KONIECZNY (Christian
name unknown) her daughter
Shot in May 1944, with seven
(7) sheltered unidentified Jews; her husband escaped.
227. KOPACZ, Stanislaw,
farmer, living at Szynwald, Tarnow prov.
From 1942 to 1944 he sheltered
several Jews. Discovered, he was shot with them during the pacification
of Szynwald in August 1944.
228. KOPEC, Katarzyna,
58, from Siedliska, near Miechow, Kielce prov.
She was the mother of Lucja
Baranek, murdered with her whole family on Mar. 15, 1943 for sheltering
four (4) Jews who were also killed (see: 22-26).
229. KORDULA, Henryka,
13, from Rekowka, near Ciepielow, Radom prov.
Executed on Dec. 6, 1942
by military police, with 33 inhabitants from Rekowka and Ciepielow, for
sheltering Jews, among others the entire 14 members of the Kosior family
whom she was visiting at that time (see: 243-256).
230. KOSIARCZYK, Wiktoria,
farmer, from Skrzynice, near Jablonna, Lublin prov.
231. KOSIARCZYK, Andrzej,
28, farmer, her son
232. KOSIARCZYK, Katarzyna,
27, cousin Killed on Oct. 9, 1943, at
Bystrzejowice, in the house of Wiktoria's daughter Zofia and her husband,
Roman Kucharski, who were sheltering five (5) Jews. All 10 persons
were killed (see: 299-300).
233. KOSIBA, Wojciech,
71, from Hankowka, near Jaslo, Krosno prov.
Shot by gendarmes in June
1944, for help rendered to Ryfka and Salka Saul, also killed.
234. KOSIELSKI, Franciszek,
farmer, from Rzyczyn, near Garwolin, Siedlce prov.
235. KOSIELSKI, Katarzyna,
his wife
236. KOSIELSKI, Bronislawa,
237. KOSIELSKI, Genowefa,
238. KOSIELSKI, Leokadia,
239. KOSIELSKI, Zofia,
240. KOSIELSKI, Czeslaw,
241. KOSIELSKI, Lucjan,
242. KOSIELSKI, Stanislaw,
This family of nine (9) people
sheltered Jews on their farm. The sons were members of People's Guard
(GL). On Mar. 7, 1944 gendarmes discovered the Jews and murdered
them with the entire family.
243. KOSIOR, Wladyslaw,
42, living at Ciepielow, Radom prov.
244. KOSIOR, Karolina
40, his wife
245. KOSIOR, Aleksander,
18, their son
246. KOSIOR, Tadeusz,
16, son
247. KOSIOR, Wladyslawa,
14, daughter
248. KOSIOR, Mieczyslaw,
12, son
249. KOSIOR, Irena,
10, daughter
250. KOSIOR, Adam,
6, son
251. KOSIOR Stanislaw,
40, living at Rekowka, near Ciepielow
252. KOSIOR, Maria
27, Stanislaw's wife
253. KOSIOR, Jan,
8, their son
254. KOSIOR, Mieczyslaw,
5, son
255. KOSIOR, Marian,
4, son
256. KOSIOR, Teresa,
3, daughter
On Dec. 6, 1942 military
police burnt alive 33 people from the neighboring villages of Ciepielow
and Rekowka, including the 14 Kosiors. It was the Volksdeutsch community
who denounced them for sheltering Jews. Tadeusz Kosior tried to escape
from the burning barn, but was pursued and thrown back into the flames.
Other three families: Obuchiewicz, Kowalski,and Skoczylas, as well as other
Poles and the sheltered Jews all perished in the massacre (see: 229, 257,
267-273, 405-410, 553-554) -(the Volksdeutsch were Polish citizens, born
and educated in Poland, but of Germanic extraction, who signed the list
as German nationals. Some were forced to do it; others did it out
of their own free will to get some privileges).
257. KOSCINSKI, Marianna,
68, from Rekowka, near Ciepielow, Radom prov.
As the mother-in-law of Piotr
Skoczylas, she was killed on Dec. 6, 1942, in that mass execution
(see: 243-256, 553-554).
258. KOTWIS, Wojciech,
70, living at Uszew, near Gnojnik, Tarnow prov.
Together with the five (5)
Jews he sheltered: Federgrun, Goldberg and three children, he was shot
by the military police in May 1944.
259. KOTOWSKI, Jozef,
56, farmer, from Paulinow, near Sokolow Podlaski,
Siedlce prov.
260. KOTOWSKI, Ewa,
54, his wife
261. KOTOWSKI, Stanislaw,
25, farmer, son
Shot by an SS unit on Feb.
24, 1943, in a group of 14 people, victims of a provocation weeks earlier,
for help rendered to a supposed Jew (see: 14).
262. KOWAL, Katarzyna,
farmer, from Majdan Nowy, near Ksiezpol, Zamosc prov.
263. KOWAL, Jozef,
her son Killed on Dec. 29, 1942,
on their property for helping Jews. A young Jewish woman who was
caught and tortured by the Germans, had given their names when promised
that her own life would be spared (see 147).
264. KOWALCZYK, Jan,
43, farmer, living at Podborek, Radom prov.
265. KOWALCZYK, Stefania,
26, his wife
266. KOWALCZYK, Jan,
2, son
The gendarmes shot them on
July 11, 1943, on the charge of helping Jews. Together with them
died Marianna Ambrozy and Katarzyna Szepietowski with her son, who were
visiting them (see: 7, 598-599).
267. KOWALSKI, Adam,
47, farmer, from Ciepielow, Radom Prov.
268. KOWALSKI, Bronislawa,
40, his wife
269. KOWALSKI, Janina,
16, daughter
270. KOWALSKI, Zofia,
12, daughter
271. KOWALSKI, Stefan,
6, son
272. KOWALSKI, Henryk,
4, son
273. KOWALSKI, Tadeusz,
1, son
On Dec. 6, 1942, in the midst
of a massacre of 33 people, carried out by military police at Ciepielow,
the seven were shut in the Obuchiewicz's family house which was set
on fire, as a reprisal for helping Jews. (see: 243-256, 405-410).
274. KOZAK, Gierasim,
farmer, from Starzyna, near Hajnowka, Bialystok prov.
In late November 1943, he
was taken away by gendarmes, with four (4) Jews sheltered by him, and shot
in the forest.
275. KOZAK, Sebastian,
73, farmer from Brzoza Krolewska, Rzeszow prov.
276. KOZAK, Katarzyna,
66, his wife
Shot on Mar. 23, 1943, by
the gendarmes from Lezajsk for sheltering several Jews. All were
killed together with Tomasz Wach (see: 628).
277. KRASUSKI, Zofia, living at
Tworki, near Wisniewo, Siedlce prov.
278. KRASUSKI, Stanislaw,
5, her son
Shot by gendarmes on Feb.
13, 1943, with seven (7) Jews sheltered by Zofia.
279. KRAWCZYK, Jozef,
35, farmer, from Boisko, near Lipsko, Radom prov.
280. KRAWCZYK, Zofia,
33, his wife
281. KRAWCZYK, Adam,
9, their son
Shot on their farm on Jan.
2, 1943 for helping Jews. Their farm was burnt down. The Borycki
family died at the same time. (see: 44-46).
282. KRUSZKOWSKI, Maria,
living in Lvov (after the war in Ukraine)
Sentenced to death by the
Standgericht (a special court of the commander of the SS and of the Galician
District Police) for sheltering Jews. The public notice was given
on Dec. 14, 1943.
283. KRYCZKA, Leon,
41, farmer, living at Boisko, near Lipsko, Radom prov.
Shot on Nov. 7, 1943 with
two other persons for helping Jews. (See: 74-582).
284. KRYCZKA, Wiktoria,
40, his wife, shot a day later (Nov. 8, 1943)
Stanislaw, farmer, from Waniewo, near Narew, Bialystok prov.
Wladyslawa, 37, his wife
The military police from
Tykocin shot them in September 1943, for sheltering Jews: Leyser Rozanowicz
and his wife, Benjamin Rozanowicz and his wife, Shloma Jaskolka and his
wife, Olsha from Sokoly and a young Warsaw woman, all of whom perished
also. Five young Krysiewicz children were taken into the homes of
neighbors. Both awarded the medal of "Righteous Among the Nations".
Wladyslaw, living at Faliszowka, Krosno prov.
Killed on Nov. 21, 1943,
with two Jewish women and a child, 5 years old, sheltered by him.
288. KSIAZEK, Boleslaw,
farmer, from Olesin, near Debe Wielkie, Siedlce prov.
Shot on May 12, 1943 by the
military police together with a Jewish fugitive, named Idel, sheltered
in his house.
289. KSIAZEK, Franciszek,
50, from Wierzbica, near Kozlow, Kielce prov.
290. KSIAZEK, Julia,
40, his wife
291. KSIAZEK, Jan,
21, son
292. KSIAZEK, Zygmunt,
18, son
They were shot on Jan. 29,
1943, with two other families for hiding the three Wandelsmans, killed
with them. The fugitives' son-in-law, Naftul, captured and beaten,
revealed their hiding-place. (see: 294-298, 401-402, 439).
293. KUBICKI, Zofia,
from Pantalowice, near Kanczuga, Przemysl prov.
Shot on Dec. 4, 1942, with
her parents and other villagers, for helping a group of about 12 local
Jews, hidden in nearby woods (see: 93-96).
294. KUCHARSKI, Anna,
from Wierzbica, near Kozlow, Kielce prov.
295. KUCHARSKI, Mieczyslaw,
15, son
296. KUCHARSKI, Boleslaw,
9, son
297. KUCHARSKI, Jozef,
7, twin son
298. KUCHARSKI, Stefan,
7, twin son
All were shot on Jan. 29,
1943, by the military police, with the Ksiazek and Nowak families and two
(2) Jewish fugitives from the Wandelsman family. Survived the massacre:
Kucharski Izydor, father, and Bronislaw, 13, son, who regained consciousness,
but lost completely his sight, while Izydor lost an eye. Anna's mother,
Julianna Ostrowski, was shot with the Kucharskis. The Wandelsmans'
son-in-law, tortured, gave out their shelter (see: 289-292, 439).
299. KUCHARSKI, Roman,
31, from Bystrzejowice, near Piaski, Lublin prov.
300. KUCHARSKI, Zofia,
23, his wife
Killed by the military police
on Oct. 9, 1943, in their own house, for sheltering Jews who were murdered
while trying to escape. Andrzej, Katarzyna and Wiktoria Kosiarczyk
were also executed. The 5 years old son of Andrzej and Wiktoria,
as result of injuries, remained an invalid for the rest of his life.
The house and all the farm buildings were burnt together with the livestock.
(see: 230-232).
301. KUCHARSKI, Stanislaw,
53, from Debska Wola, near Starachowice, Kielce prov.
Sentenced to death by a special
court in Radom, on May 7, 1943, on the grounds that "a certain Jewish woman,
who escaped from the ghetto, was sheltered in his house". The sentence
was carried out on Sep. 25, 1943.
302. KUFTA, Anna, living
in Lvov (city now incorporated into Ukraine)
Got a death sentence from
the Galician Standgericht for sheltering Jews. The public notice
was issued on Jan 28, 1944.
303. KUPIS, Piotr,
living at Chotel Czerwony, near Wislica, Kielce prov.
304. KUPIS, Bronislawa,
his wife
Shot in the spring of 1943
on their property by the military policemen from Nowy Korczyn, for sheltering
three (3) Jews. Three Kupis children survived.
305. KUR, Zofia, 43,
from Gamratka, near Minsk Mazowiecki, Siedlce prov.
306. KUR, Aleksander,
17, her son
Shot on July 27, 1943 by
the military police from Minsk Mazowiecki together with three (3) Jewish
307. *KURIATA, Jozef, 59,
farmer from Warowka, near Kostopol
308. *KURIATA, Franciszka,
56, wife
She concealed Shiya Fleisch,
a Jewish boy found in the woods. On April 13, 1943 German police
carried out a house-search. The boy was not found, but the police
barricaded the Kuriatas in their house and set fire to it, and to all farm
buildings. Posthumously awarded the medal of "Righteous Among the
309. KURPIEL, Stanislaw,
from Leoncin, near Krasiczyn, Przemysl prov.
310. KURPIEL, Franciszka,
his wife
Killed with a group of Jews
from Przemysl, living in an underground shelter near their house: the families
Rubinfeld, Golinger and Spiegel. One of the sheltered managed to
311. KUSIAK (Christian
name unknown) wife of Wojciech, living at Lipowiec,
near Zwierzyniec, Zamosc prov.
312. KUSIAK (Christian
name unknown) 21, son of Wojciech
313. KUSIAK (Christian
name unknown) 6, son of Wojciech
Shot by the military police
with Katarzyna Rybak and some Jewish fugitives. The hideout was given
away by one of the latter, tortured by the Germans. Wojciech and a 3rd
son, not present at the time, escaped (see: 531).
314. KUSIAK, Stanislaw,
from Paulinow, near Sokolow Podlaski, Siedlce prov.
Killed after Feb. 24, 1943
in the Treblinka camp, as one of 14 Poles, victims of a provocation, weeks
earlier (see: 14).
315. KUSZEK, Jakub,
from Pantalowice, near Kanczuga, Przemysl prov.
316. KUSZEK, Zofia,
his wife
For helping and supplying
food to Jews hiding in the woods they were shot on Dec. 4, 1942, with their
daughter, Zofia Kubicki and other villagers.
317. KUS, Jozef, 40,
living at Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
Killed on May 9 1943
in a group of 16 Poles for hiding Jews (see: 70-71).
318. KWIATOSZ, Boleslaw,
30, farmer, from Skrzynice near Jablonna, Lublin prov. Killed on Sep. 3, 1943
with a sheltered 15 years old boy, Chaim
319. KWOLEK, Janina,
17, living at Wola Komborska, near Krosno
Shot by some SS officers
in October 1943, together with three (3) other Poles for sheltering two
(2) Jews, also killed (see: 169).