628.. WACH, Tomasz,
41, farmer, from Brzoza Krolewska, near Lezajsk, Rzeszów prov.
Shot on Mar. 28, 1943 by
gendarmes from Lezajsk, for cooperation in sheltering Jews for several
months. The Jews were also killed (see: 275-276)
629.. WALC, Jan, 45, farmer,
from Przewrotne near Glogów Malopolski, Rzeszów prov.
Killed on Mar. 13, 1943 with
ca 30 people for sheltering Jews in the village (see: 49-51)
630.. WALCZEWSKI, Wieslaw,
living at Broszkow, near Kotun, Siedlce prov.
Arrested on June 28, 1943,
at Cisie - the village was "pacified" for help given by its inhabitants
to Jews; put in the Pawiak jail in Warsaw, and shot there on Jan. 13, 1944.
631.. WANDERSMAN, Pawel,
living at Wierzbica, near Kozlow, Kielce prov.
632.. WANDERSMAN, his sister
Shot in December 1943, together
with Pawel Rygiel and his family forsheltering Jews (see: 533-535)
633.. WANOSKA, Franciszek,
18, farmer from Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
Killed with 29 people on
Mar. 13, 1943, for sheltering Jews (see: 49-50).
634.. WAWRZONEK, Maria, 39,
from Jastrzabka Stara, near Debica, Tarnow prov.
Shot in December 1943 by
Gestapo from Debica, for sheltering Jews
635. WASOWSKI, Jan,
railway worker, living at Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
636. WASOWSKI, Aleksandra,
his wife
637. WASOWSKI, Mieczyslaw,
her son
Killed on June 28, 1943 at
Ceglow with 24 villagers from Cisie, for sheltering Jews (see: 9)
638.. WDOWIAK, Benedykt,
58, farmer, living at Swiesielice, Radom prov.
639.. WDOWIAK, Aleksandra,
17, his daughter
640.. WDOWIAK, Marianna,
94, Benedykt's mother
Murdered on Dec. 7, 1942
with a group of 14 people by gendarmes from Ciepielow, for help rendered
to Jews (see: 84)
641.. WEGLINSKI, Marcin,
61, farmer, living at Katy, near Nisko, Tarnobrzeg prov.
Shot by the Gestapo on Sep.
12, 1942, together with Lejzor Graf whom he sheltered
642.. WEZOWICZ, Wiktoria,
living at Szarwark, near Dabrowa Tarnowska , Tarnow prov.
Killed on July 5, 1943 with
her daughter, Teresa Mendala and her family for helping Jews (see: 376-379)
643. WIERZBA, Jan, 43, farmer,
living at Pawlowice, near Michalów, Kielce prov.
Sheltered in his house five
(5) Jews named Kopel; in February 1942 he was detained with (two) 2 of
them. Sent to Majdanek, then to Auschwitz, he was killed there
Maria, living at Posadza, near Koniusza, Cracow prov.
645.. WIERZBANOWSKI, Stanislaw
Killed on June 22, 1943,
for aiding Jews. Teofil Nowak with his daughter, Zebala, and Katarzyna
Zmuda with her children were also killed; (see: 399-400)
646. WIERZBICKI, Stanislaw,
living at Tomaszowice, near Jastkow, Lublin prov.
Shot by military police on
Feb. 28, 1944; after being expelled from Poland's Western lands, he stayed with Leonard
Pietrak's family; killed for sheltering Jews (see: 461-463)
priest, living in Warsaw
Arrested on Dec. 3, 1943
for his part in helping Jewish people, perished on Aug. 4, 1944 in Gross-Rosen
648.. WIKTORZAK, Aleksandra,
63, from Paulinow, near Sokolow Podlaski, Siedlce prov.
Shot by the SS on Feb. 24,
1943 at Paulinow, with 13 other people, victims of a Nazi provocation (see:
649.. WILCZAK, Zofia, living
at Wysoka, Rzeszow prov.
Shot in the spring of 1944,
with her father -in-law for sheltering Jews
650. WILK, Franciszek, 41,
from Wysoka, Rzeszow prov
651. WILK, Jan, 24
652. WILK, Jozef, 30
Killed in a mass execution
on Mar. 13, 1943 for sheltering Jews (see: 49-51)
653. WILK, Jozef, living
in Warsaw
Fell on Apr. 19, 1943, while
fighting with a detachment of the Home Army (AK) near the ghetto wall on
Bonifraterska Street, attempting to blast a hole in the wall
654. WILK, Katarzyna,
52, from Wierzbno, near Koniusza, Cracow prov.
655. WILK, Mieczyslaw,
soldier in the Peasant Battalions (B.Ch.)
656. WILK, Stanislaw,
Shot on Feb. 18, 1943 at
Wierzbno for sheltering Jews
657. WITEK, Jan, 21,
worker from Celestynow, near Otwock, Warsaw prov.
Shot in July or August 1942
with his friend Henryk Popis because he sheltered Jews (see: 479)
658. WLODARCZYK, Roman,
living in Lublin
Sentenced to death on Dec.
23, 1943 for "sheltering and conspiring with Jews", by the Standgericht
of Lublin. The public notice was issued on Nov, 23, 1943
659. WODA, Kasper,
People's Movement ("Ruch Ludowy") activist, from
Gruszawa, near Miechow, Cracow prov.
Arrested for sheltering Jews
in November 1943, sent to Auschwitz, died there
660. WOJEWODKA, Ignacy,
50, farmer from Swiesielice, Radom prov.
661. WOJEWODKA, Marianna,
45, farmer, his wife
662. WOJEWODKA, Waclaw,
21, farmer, son
663. WOJEWODKA, Jan,
18, farmer, son
664. WOJEWODKA, Stanislaw,
12, son
665. WOJEWODKA, Jozef,
7, son
Murdered by the gendarmes
from Ciepielow, on Dec. 7, 1942, in a group of 14 people, for help rendered
to Jews (see: 84)
666. WOLSKI, Jan, living
at Gniewoszow, Radom prov.
Shot in August 1943 with
Jan Suchecki for hiding several Jews, fugitives from the local camp. The
Jews were warned and escaped (see: 587)
667. * WOLSKI, Mieczyslaw,
living in Warsaw
With his family he built
an underground shelter in his backyard on
Grojecka Street. Here
from 1942 he gave refuge to 34 Jews, including the well-known historian
Emanuel Ringelblum, with wife and son. The shelter was denounced
to Germans on Mar. 7, 1944. Wolski, his nephew, Janusz Wysocki and
all the fugitives were taken to Pawiak prison. All the Jews were
shot soon in the ghetto ruins, while no trace of the Poles was ever found.
Posthumously awarded the medal "Righteous Among Nations" (see: 690)
668. WOLOWIEC, Gabriel,
farmer from Zajaczkow, near Ciepielow, Radom prov.
669. WOLOWIEC, Stanislawa,
his wife
670. WOLOWIEC, Bronislawa,
671. WOLOWIEC, Janina,
672. WOLOWIEC, Leokadia,
673. WOLOWIEC, Kazimiera,
The military police from
Ciepielow killed all members of the family in January 1943, for helping
Jews in hiding. Gabriel was arrested and executed earlier.
The daughters were aged 3 to 12. With them were shot: Jozef Jelonek,
and the handicapped servant Franciszek Zaborowski. (see: 188, 692)
674. WOLOWSKI, Marta, nun,
Slonim (incorporated into the Soviet Ukraine)
Killed in 1941 in the Immaculate
Conception Convent in Slonim, together with the Mother Superior,
Ewa Noyszewska, for sheltering Jews (see: 404)
675. WOZNIAK, Franciszek,
from Pawlow, near Dabrowa Tarnowska, Cracow pr.
Murdered with Michal Wojcik
by the gendarmes in the spring of 1943 for sheltering Jews and helping
them to escape by crossing the river (see: 679).
676. WOZNIAK, Marian, from
Minsk Mazowiecki, Siedlce prov.
Killed in May 1944 for sheltering
and helping Jews
677. WOJCICKI, Wladyslaw,
from Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
Killed at Ceglow on June
28, 1943, in a group execution at Cisie, for sheltering Jews (see: 9).
678. WOJCIK, Maria, farmer,
from Radgoszcz, near Dabrowa Tarnowska, Cracow prov.
Shot by the German gendarmes
at Radgoszcz on Sep. 13, 1942, with Maria Soltys and the sheltered Szija
Grinstam, also a local farmer (see: 576).
679. WOJCIK, Michal from
Pawlow, near Dabrowa Tarnowska, Cracow prov.
Murdered with Franciszek
Wozniak in the spring 1943, for sheltering Jews and helping in their escape
across the river (see: 675).
680. WOJCIK, Michal, 48,
from Polom Maly, near Czchow, Tarnow prov.
He was shot on Dec. 26, 1944
in his own house by the military police from Jurkow, together with the
fugitive Mr. Goldfinger.
681. WOJCIK, Zofia, farmer
from Radgoszcz, near Dabrowa, Tarnowska, wife
682. WOJCIK, 3 years old,
Zofia's child
683. WOJCIK, 2 years old,
Zofia's child
Mother and babies shot on
Oct. 25, 1942 with the sheltered Jew
684. WOJTOWICZ, Ryszard,
from Sadkowice, near Lipsko, Radom prov.
685. WOJTOWICZ, Honorata,
Ryszard's wife
They were shot on Jan. 8,
1943 for help rendered to Jews (see: 39-42)
686. WROBLEWSKI, Boleslaw,
51, farmer from Podburze, near Zyradow
687. WROBLEWSKI, Boleslaw's
The gendarmes killed them
in March of 1941, together with two sheltered Jews, of which one was Mr.
688. WYDMANSKI, Jozef, farmer,
from Krepa, near Miechow, Cracow prov.
Shot by the Gestapo on Sept.
23, 1944 together with at hidden Jew. The farm was burned down.
689. WYSMULSKI, Zofia, farmer
from Moszenki, near Jastkow, Lublin prov.
She gave refuge to 4 Jews
in an underground shelter. Zofia provided food and medicines to 16
more Jews hiding in a nearby forest. The military police shot her
together with the sheltered Jews and Marianna Barszcz, a Wysmolski's employee.
Her husband escaped. (See 29).
690. * WYSOCKI, Janusz, living
in Warsaw
For helping Mieczyslaw Wolski
to construct an underground shelter and for his part in giving refuge to
34 Jews, he was arrested on March 7, 1944 and executed in unknown cicumstances.
Posthumously recognized as "Righteous Among the Nations".
691. WYSOCZANSKI, Mrs., pharmacist
from Sokal (now in Ukraine)
She was murdered in February
1942, together with 3 sheltered Jewish girls