537. SAMOJEDNY, Jan,
56, farmer from Glogow Malopolski, near Rzeszow
538. SAMOJEDNY, Maria,
52, his wife
Shot in their home by German
police on Feb. 19, 1943 in Pruszkow, Warsaw province for sheltering Jews.
539. SASKI, Wladyslaw,
railway metalworker from Pruszkow, Warsaw prov.
Shot on June 28, 1943 with
24 Poles from the village of Cisie for sheltering Jews (see: 9).
540. * SAWICKI, Emilia, 50,
farmer, living at Korolowka, near Borszczow, (now in Ukraine)
541. * SAWICKI, Nikodem,
17, her son
Emilia and her 3 sons have
sheltered in 1943-44 the sisters Rena Hausner, Pola Henenfeld and her husband
Leon. Shortly after the war the Jews left Korolowka. When Ukrainian
bandits came, they, not having found the Jews, murdered Emilia and Nikodem.
Both posthumously awarded the medal of "Righteous Among the Nations".
542. SEMIK, Jan Jakub,
postman, living at Limanowa, Nowy Sacz prov.
Some Jews were arrested in
Limanowa on Sep. 6, 1939 and while being loaded into vehicles, were spat
upon and beaten. Semik, able to speak German, tried to intervene,
for which he too was shot with the Jews near Mordarka
543. SENDRA, Piotr,
27, gardener, living at Wierbka, near Pilica, Katowice prov.
Murdered by the Gestapo early
in January 1943 for co-operation in helping a group of Jews in the home
of Maria Rogozinski (see: 514-515).
544. SEDLAKOWSKI, Janina,
living at Zwierzyniec, Zamosc prov. Murdered on Oct. 24, 1942
for help rendered to Jews
545 .SEKOWSKI, Magdalena,
living in Przemysl On a number of occasions
she hid in her flat on the corner of Janowska and Grodzka Streets, young
Jewish fugitives from Lvov. Jews escaped from the Lvov ghetto to
the Lyczakow cemetery, from which her son-in-law, a railway mechanic, brought
them to Przemysl. Arrested by the Gestapo in 1942, beaten and tortured,
brought to Auschwitz, she soon perished there.
Stefan, 19, living in Warsaw
He was a socialist activist
in a youth organization, captured in May 1940, while conducting Jews out
of the ghetto to the woods. He died in the Gestapo jail on Szucha
Street in Warsaw, after torture. Posthumously awarded the medal of
"Righteous Among Nations".
547. SINIARSKI, Stanislaw,
45, farmer, living at Lutkowka near Mszczonow, Skierniewice prov.
548. SINIARSKI, Marianna,
43, his wife
549. SINIARSKI, Marian
Jozef, 16, son
550. SINIARSKI, Irena,
9, daughter
551. SINIARSKI, Edward,
8, son
All were shot on Mar. 10,
1944, by the military police from Mszczonow for sheltering three (3) Jews:
the Lipszyc family, who also died.
552. SKALSKI, Stanislaw,
50, teacher living in Leczyca, Plock prov.
Arrested in 1942 by the
Gestapo for organizing escapes of Jews. He died from beatings and
553. SKLADOWSKI, Halina,
living in Lvov (now in Ukraine)
Sentenced to death by the
Galician Standgericht for helping Jews. The announcement was dated:
Dec. 14, 1943.
554. SKOCZYLAS, Piotr,
living at Rekowka, near Ciepielow, Radom prov.
555. SKOCZYLAS, Leokadia,
8, his daughter
Burned alive on Dec. 6, 1942
by the military policemen in a group of villagers for feeding and sheltering
Jews. (see: 243-257)
556..SKOLIMOWSKI, Alfons,
32, farmer from Roguziec, near Mordy, Siedlce prov.
Shot on Mar. 2, 1943 at Roguziec,
by the military police for sheltering Jews. 557. SKRZAK, Wojciech,
50, farmer, living at Swiesielice, Radom prov.
Murdered on Dec. 7,1942 in
a group of 14 people by the gendarmes from Ciepielow, for helping Jews
(see: 84).
558. SKUZA, Stanislaw,
living at Ignacow, Siedlce prov.
Shot on Mar. 30, 1943 with
Jan Gawrych and Dawid Rutkowski together with a group of Jewish partisans
whom they helped (see: 139, 526)
559. SKWARA, Irena,
living in Warsaw
Shot as she was leaving Warsaw
in Sep. 1944, before the collapse of the Warsaw Uprising, accompanied by
Waclaw Turski-Teitelbaum, whom she sheltered and who was killed too.
560. SKWIECINSKI, Eugeniusz,
living at Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
Shot on June 28, 1943 in
a group of 25 villagers for sheltering Jews (see: 84).
561. SKWIRA, Marianna,
40, farmer, living at Swiesielice, Radom prov. Murdered on Dec. 7, 1942
in a group of 14 people by the gendarmes from Ciepielow, for help in sheltering
Jews (see: 19-20).
562. SLEMP, Jan, farmer,
living at Dylagowka, near Rzeszow
Arrested on Dec. 30, 1943
for sheltering in his apartment the horse tradesman Majer Zalcman;
shot the next day with the Jewish man.
563. SLUJA, Jozef,
31, from Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
Killed on June 10, 1943,
in a mass execution carried out at Hucisko for helping and sheltering Jews
(see: 9).
564. SMATER, Marian,
living at Cisie, near Ceglow, prov.
565. SMATER, Piotr,
Shot on June 28, 1943, in
a group of 25 villagers for sheltering Jews (see: 9)
566. SOCHA, Rozalia,
53, worker, living at Wola Rafalowska, near Chmielnik, Rzeszow prov.
Shot by the gendarmes on
Dec. 19, 1942, for sheltering five to six Jews
567. SOJKA, Stanislaw,
farmer, from Ksiazniczki, near Michalowice, Kielce prov.
Shot on June 3, 1943 by the
military police for trying to hide three (3) Jews during a round-up in
his barn at the farm of Stefan Kaczmarski (see: 206)
568. SOKOL, Wladyslaw,
living at Wilczyska, near Wola Myslowska, Siedlce prov.
Shot on July 10, 1944 at
Zelechow for concealing three (3) Jewish women, among them Maria and Hanka
Poplawski, who died with him. Previously he sheltered also the families:
Boruchowicz, Wajnberg and Szyfman
569. SOLARZ, Antoni,
42, farmer, living at Biadoliny Radlowskie, near Tarnow
Shot by the Gestapo from
Cracow in 1944 for help to Jews; among whom was Naftali Gries, a lawyer
from Wojnicz, who died also
570. SOLOWSKI, Jan,
farmer, living at Gruszka Zaporoska, near Zamosc
571. SOLOWSKI, Helena,
his wife
572. SOLOWSKI, Wanda,
12, daughter
573. SOLOWSKI, Marian,
5, son
The family sheltered a Jewish
family of seven (7) persons, in a hideout on their farm. In 1943
the gendarmes from Szczebrzeszyn murdered all of them
574. SOLTYS, Bronislawa,
1 year old, liszcz-Poreba, Tarnow prov.
575. SOLTYS, Janina,
4, her sister, murdered on Nov. 28, 1942 together with their grandmother,
Zofia Kmiec, who sheltered Jews (see: 219-220)
576. SOLTYS, Maria, farmer,
from Radgoszcz, near Dabrowa Tarnowska, Cracow prov.
Shot by the gendarmes in
Radgoszcz on Sep. 13, 1942, with Maria Wojcik and the sheltered Jew, Szija
Grinstam, also a local farmer (see: 678)
577. SOSNOWSKI, Aleksander,
living at Zawada, near Kaluszyn (incorporated into Ukraine)
578. SOSNOWSKI, Antonina,
17, daughter
Murdered together with 2
daughters of the Jewish local innkeeper: Ucia and Cinnia Fuchs, by
some Ukrainian nationalists, on Feb. 24, 1944
579. STARZEC, Wladyslaw,
from Szarwark near Dabrowa Tarnowska, Tarnow
Shot on July 5, 1943 at Szarwark,
together with neighbors who had also been involved in helping Jews, incl.
the Mendala family (see 376-379)
580. STAWARSKI, Bronislaw,
from Sieniawa, near Przeworsk, Rzeszow prov
581. STAWARSKI (Christian
name uknown) his wife
Bronislaw shot in 1943, with
two sheltered Jews (2); his wife was sent to a concentration camp, from
which she never returned
582. STEFANEK, Barbara,
72, from Boisko, near Lipsko, Radom prov.
Shot on Nov. 7, 1943, in
a group of three (3) persons for help to Jews
Krzysztof, 19, from Gawartowa Wola, near Warsaw
Shot on Mar. 22, 1943, together
with a couple which helped a Jewess
584. STEPNIEWSKI, Jan, 55,
from Marchaty, near Piotrkow Trybunalski
Shot on May 6, 1943, in Piotrkow,
sentenced to death by a special court for sheltering a Jew
585. STEPNIOWSKI, Eugeniusz,
post-office official, living in Nowy Sacz.
Tortured in Mar. 1942 by
the local Gestapo head, Hamann, because he systematically destroyed information
about Jews. Transferred to the Tarnow prison he died there
586. STRUTYNSKI, Maria,
from Drohobycz, (incorporated into Ukraine)
Arrested in her flat in June
1943 by the Gestapo for sheltering with her daughters, Kazimiera and Teresa,
thirteen (13) people of Jewish origin, belonging to the Krempel, Hennefeld
and Herman families. Taken to a prison in Lvov, she was sentenced
to death and shot in Mar. 1944. The daughters escaped, as did one
of the sheltered Jews, Lidia Hennefeld
587. SUCHECKI, Jozef,
living at Gniewoszow, Radom prov.
Shot in August 1943, together
with Jan Wolski, for sheltering Jews, fugitives from the Gniewoszow camp.
The warned Jews escaped (see: 666)
588. SURDACKI, Zygmunt,
36, priest, living in Lublin
As the administrator of
the Lublin diocese he often used to render help to Jews; he was sent
to Auschwitz, where he died in 1941
589. SUSICH, Adam,
53, from Hucisko, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow pr.
Shot in a mass execution
of June 10, 1943, for sheltering Jews (see: 19-20)
590. SUSZ, Natalia,
from Rudance (incorporated into the Soviet Ukraine)
Sentenced to death by the
Standgericht of Cracow for helping Jews; public notice issued on Dec. 14,
591. SYGIEWICZ, Witold,
civil servant, living in Cracow
Sentenced to death by the
Standgericht of Cracow for helping Jews. The public notice dated
from Jan. 29, 1944
592. SZABATA, Kazimierz,
ca 40, from Majdan Stary, near Ksiezpol, Zamosc prov.
Shot on Dec. 28, 1942 by
military police from Bilgoraj, in the house of Jozef Pelc, for whom he
worked, mistakenly identified as the son of Anastazja Lubiarz, a neighbor,
who has been helping Jews (see: 147, 344-345)
593. SZAFRANSKI, Roman
Jan, 64, living in Radom
Arrested with his wife, Jadwiga,
for sheltering during 1940-1943 a Jewish girl, Anna Kerc (born in 1937);
sent in 1943 to Gross-Rosen where he died. His wife was sent to Ravensbrck,
but she survived. The girl died
594. SZCZEPANIAK, Antoni,
from Trebaczew, near Sadkowice, Skierniewice pr.
Stanislaw, his brother
Wladyslaw, his brother
Shot on Dec. 11, 1943, by
military police, together with their neighbor Jan Domeradzki, for giving
refuge to a Jewish family during that year. The father of that family
was killed also (see: 107)
597. SZCZESNY, Jan,
living at Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
Killed on June 28 in a group
of 25 inhabitants for sheltering Jews (see: 9)
Katarzyna, 40, living at Podborek, Radom Prov.
Jozef, 7, son
They died on July 11, 1943,
on the Kowalczyk's family farmyard, shot by gendarmes on the charge
of helping Jews (see: 264-266)
600. SZKOTAK, Jozef,
living at Zdzary, near Czarna, Tarnow prov.
601. SZKOTAK, Teresa,
his wife
Shot in the fall of 1943
in the village of Zdzary, with the sheltered Jews
602. SZLOSSER, Jan,
42, from Ossala, near Baranow Sandomierski, Tarnobrzeg prov.
Shot by gendarmes on July
6, 1943 for co-operation in saving Jews
Jozef, ca. 33, living in Warsaw
Denounced by the Volksdeutsche
Sowiecki, (see: end of 256) he was killed on May 23, 1943, together with
the eight (8) survivors of the ghetto uprising he was sheltering.
Posthumously awarded the medal "Righteous Among Nations"
604. SZYPERSKI, Jozefa,
from Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
Killed on June 28, 1943 in
a group of 25 villagers for sheltering Jews (see:9)
605. SLADOWSKI, Halina
Sentenced to death by the
Galician Standgericht for sheltering Jews. The public notice was
issued on Dec. 14, 1943 in Lvov
606. SLEDZ, Helena,
living in Warsaw
Arrested on Dec. 2, 1943
together with her relation, Jadwiga Sledz and her sisters for help to Jews.
Sent to Pawiak prison, she was shot on Dec. 10, 1943 in the ruins of the
Warsaw ghetto (see: 607)
607. SLEDZ, Jadwiga,
living in Warsaw
Arrested on Dec. 2, 1943
with her sisters Anna Rycerz and Janina Zelichowski, as well as with other
relation, Helena Sledz, for help to Jews. Placed in the Pawiak prison,
with the others, she was shot on Dec. 10, 1943 in the ruins of the
Warsaw ghetto (see: 532, 606, 701)
608. SLIWA, Wladyslaw (or
Wojciech) 26, former N.C.O., from Kozlowek, near Strzyzow, Rzeszow prov.
Shot by gendarmes with a
group of others in June 1943 at Markuszowa village for help to Jews, hiding
in the forest (see: 426)
609. SLIWINSKI, Jan 49, worker,
from Paulinow, near Sokolow Podlaski, Siedlce prov.
Shot by the SS on Feb. 24,
1943 at Paulinow, together with a group of 14 people, victims of a Nazi
provocation. (see: 14)