NADOLNY, Halina, wife
NAGORZEWSKI, Helena (1886-1976)
Helena taught in Warsaw at
a primary school and during the war in the clandestine study groups. She
contributed to save from certain death ca. fifteen Jews (15). Benefited
from her help: Halina Buchholz, Stefan and Jadwiga Pines, Ada Stezyc with
her mother, Dorota, Wladyslaw and their small son Waldemar Zelazo, three
persons of the family Catnorski and four persons of the family Zyto.
As her two-room apartment was too small to keep them all, she placed some
with her sister. Others she put at her nephew, and still others at
her daughter and son-in-law, Danuta and Leon Czubczenko (q.v.). The
Zelazo family after the deportations from the ghetto (July - September
1942) decided to save by all means their child. Wladyslaw, who every
day was conducted from the ghetto for work, transported the child in his
rucksack. First the child was hidden in the shoes manufacture of
Piotrowski, from where took it one of the engineers; from him took it to
her flat Helena. In February 1943 came to her also the child's mother,
Dorota Zelazo. Wladyslaw benefited also from her temporary aid.
All three Zelazos survived the war. In her apartment hid also a 4
years old Ada Stezyc from where she was taken by the Czubczenkos.
This couple in order to avoid suspicions that she is Jewish, moved to Wolomin
and there registered her as its daughter. To her "adoptive" father
she writes from Israel "My dearest papa". The mother of Leon Czubczenko,
a dentist, Elzbieta, (q.v.) was also active in saving Jews. See:
Grynberg, op. cit.
NAGRABA, Wiktoria
NAJBAR, Franciszek
NAJBAR, Maria, wife
NAJDEK, Szymon
NAJDEK, Helena, wife
NAJKO, Bronislawa, wife
NAJKO, Janina, daughter
NAKONIECZNY, Marian, brother
Jan had a farmstead in the
village Czystykow, near Tarnopol (now in Ukraine). On Dec. 15, 1942
he told Henryk Sperber, from Cracow, who was conducted for work from the
forced labor camp for Jews, that: "If you should be in danger, you can
find refuge with me". From June 21, 1943 till March 9, 1944, the
Sperber family, Henryk, his mother Rozalia, his sister Sabina, his fiancée,
Lucyna Tynkiel and his cousin Felicja Finder stayed in a henhouse 2 ft
high, 13 ft long and 4 ft wide. Beside them the Nakonieczny gave
shelter also to a Pole, Adolf Chailo, a settler from the village Jarczowce.
This Pole, according the Jan's letter to Marian Kosiek, of July 2, 1967,
hid two women and three children. One of them was the daughter of
the Rabbi from Belzec. Two Gestapo officers informed about this asked him
if he keeps Jews. They beat him up but he did not confess. They found
the hideaways and shot them behind the barn. When they sent Adolf
to fetch a spade he escaped and ran to Jan. See: Bartoszewski &
Lewin, op. cit., an article in "Glos Zolnierza" in Warsaw in 1944 and another
one in Izraelskie Nowiny i Kurier in Tel Aviv on Aug. 14, 1964.
NALAZEK, Jerzy (1914-)
Jerzy lived in Warsaw. In
school he befriended a Jewish boy, M. D. When his mother died in the ghetto,
the boy escaped to the "Aryan" side to Jerzy. In the ghetto remained his
half-brother, Kazimierz Zylberstejn with his wife. Kazimierz was
deported to Treblinka, but Roma, his wife, who worked on the "Aryan" side,
slipped from the detachment of workers and joined M. D, and Jerzy who waited
for her in a gate. Jerzy took her for a short time,
organized false documents
and found her work as a child nurse. She survived the war.
A 17 years old Hanna Kaliski from Wloclawek came to Warsaw in 1939 and
lived with Mrs. Wilczynski, and her mother with Jadwiga Pawlowski and even
got work. When she felt threatened she confided in Jerzy, who found
her work elsewhere. Unfortunately on March 28, 1944 her mother was
arrested. When she went to the police station to intervene, she was
arrested too. Both found themselves in Auschwitz, but survived it
(probably they were considered Polish) and returned to Warsaw. See:
Grynberg, op. cit.
Franciszka Nalepa resided
in Cracow. In October 1942 came to her for shelter Maks Czerniewicz,
who escaped the ghetto. He remained with her till the end.
In his letter of Dec. 19, 1966 to the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw he wrote:
"I did not have any resources whatsoever. This woman shared with
me every peace of bread and food, got through hard work and very modest
gains".On March 10, 1945 they married. See: Grynberg, op. cit
(not related) see DUTKIEWICZ, Teodor & Hanna, parents?
NAMOWICZ, Anna, wife
NAPIERALA, Eugeniusz, son
NAPIERALA, Sabina, daughter
NARUSZEWICZ, Witold (1879-1967)
NARUSZEWCZ, Wanda (1884-1969)
Witold and Wanda lived at
Podkowa Lesna, and their daughter with her husband, Albin Komar, in Warsaw.
Anna Sosnowska (Witkind) came to the Komars in the beginning of 1943. The
young couple was active in the AK (Home Army); in their apartment were
taking place courses for officers; it was necessary for security sake,
to transfer Anna and their one year old baby to Halina's parents.
In her statement of May 12, 1986 Anna wrote "at the Komars and Naruszewiczes
I found the first bed after many hard experiences and flights from one
attic to another." See" Grynberg, op. cit.
NARUSZKO, Genowefa, wife
NASIEROWSKI, Janina, wife
NASIEROWSKI, Zdzislaw, son
NATKANIEC, Anna wife
NATKANIEC, Rozalia (1916-)
born BUKSA (not related)
Daughter of a poor farmer
Buksa, who had nine children, she started to work at the age of 13 at the
Grunberg family in Cracow as a maid. She followed them into the ghetto.
After a certain time she left the ghetto and was employed as a housekeeper
at a businessman, Karol Natkaniec. From his aid benefited many Jews:
Marian Elzner, the brothers Ratner, a girl Broder, Adam Grunberg and his
sister, Zofia Kempler and Janek Jakubowski. Zofia Kempler, thanks
to Rozalia, hid at the gardener's house. Hitlerjugend (a German youth
organization) occupied the front of that building. Zofia's children, Haneczka
and Bernard were hidden with their nurse, Franciszka Ziemianski (q.v.)
at Lapanow near Cracow. Due to a denunciation the children would
be shot, but the policeman who arrested them, was bribed. Then Rozalia
took the children to her place. The janitor, was under the obligation
to inform the authorities in place about any Jews, threatened to denounce
them to the Germans. So Rozalia brought the children to an orphanage,
run by sisters, but it was for girls only. Rozalia with Franciszka
disguised the boy as a girl and the sisters accepted Bernard also.
Unfortunately, due to a denunciation, the Gestapo snatched 34 people from
that orphanage, both children among them and put them in the Monteluppi
prison. It was December 1944, shortly before the occupation of Cracow
by the Soviet troops. Rozalia who had a pass to the Plaszow camp, gave
the news to Zygmunt Grunberg, the children's uncle, who was a forced laborer
there. He asked for aid a certain Szubka, who helped to hide them
in that camp. In January 1945 the Germans drove the Plaszow inmates
to the West. The Grunbergs perished but Haneczka and Bernard were
taken by the Swedish Red Cross to Sweden and later went to Israel.
In 1987 Bernard Kempler visited Cracow and all the places in which he was
hidden. He found in life the Sister, who accepted the children from
Franciszka Ziemianski and broke in tears. He visited also the grave
of Franciszka, his devoted nurse. Rozalia was twice invited to Israel.
In 1989, at the recognition as "Righteous" by Yad Vashem, Bernard Kempler
in a beautiful tribute to both women, told that Franciszka, in continuous
dangers and courage surpassed all soldiers and generals, not having anything
beside her daring, her religious faith and her own humanism. About
Rozalia, present, he told that she not only gave life, but also helped
to believe in it. Both represent what is best in a human being, which
no evil will ever destroy. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
KOWALSKI, Adam, husband
NAWRATEN, Wladyslaw
NAWROCKI, Leokadia
NAWROCKI, Maria, daughter
NESTOROWICZ, Lucja, daughter
* NEY, Julian, physician
Julian, as a young doctor
at Jaslo, was called to the bed of Sara Diller's mother, living on the
same street as Sara, daughter of a Rabbi in the Polish Army. Soon
the two young people felt attracted one to the other and the doctor's visits
became more frequent. When the first "Aktionen" (round-ups of Jews
or Poles) began, Julian organized false papers for Sara and urged her to
flee. Together with Anna Bogdanowicz (q.v.) and her elder son Antoni,
he accompanied Sara to the station in order to dispatch her to Kielce by
train. Later Anna was arrested with her husband and son, but took
all the blame on herself. Dispatched to Auschwitz, she perished there.
Julian arrested and tortured very severely for the same reason and refusing
to speak about Sara, was either killed or, like the Germans tried to simulate,
took his own life, but Sara survived and lives in Israel. This researcher
heard the story from Sara herself in 1985. Julian Ney was awarded
posthumously the medal of "Righteous Among the Nations". He was mentioned
here already, in the list of "Those Who Paid with their Lives". See:
Paldiel, op. cit. and articles by Sara Diller in Israel of Jan 11, 1985
in "Nowiny i Kurier, No. 6, in Tel-Aviv.
Zofia Rontaler's deeds are
described under the name of Lipinski-Szomanski (q.v.) her friend, coworker
in the theatre of the Lazienki Palace, staying with her in a two room apartment,
both active in the AK and in saving of Jews. See: Lukas, Out of the
Inferno, op. cit.
Helena see AUGUSTYNIAK, E. & K., parents?
NIEDZIELA, Eugeniusz
NIEDZIELA, Waleria, wife
NIEDZIELA, Waleria's mother
Waleria knew before the war
the Weistreich family. During the occupation in her miniscule
apartment in Cracow hid
one after the other all the members of that family: Mosze, Stefania and
their children: Henryk, Norbert and sometimes Berta. Once during
the German "Aktion" the Gestapo discovered the hideout and arrested Mosze.
The rest of the family succeeded to escape to Hungary. Waleria, recognized
as "Righteous" in 1999 was honored
on May 2nd, 2000 in Cracow.
Teodora, daughter
NIEMIEC, Jozef (not related)
NIEMIEC, Maria, wife
Kazimierz and Paulina were
poor farmers at Zarecze, not far from Vilna. They had seven (7) children.
They helped many Jews, providing them food, occasionally shelter, clothing
and necessities, sometimes to 30 people. Among them were: Bert and
Mira B., Luba L. Diszka B. Leo, Irma and Sonia Slavin, Basia J., Lejba
G. Izak and Bertcha G., Berl Z. W. and Rachel G., Izrael S., Joseph Riwash.
The children, even the younger ones (not recognized) Kazimiera, Franciszka,
and the twins, Wladyslaw and Zofia were active in the help to their parents
in washing, cooking and especially in watching in all kinds of weather
if the Germans are not coming. It was impressed on them not to tell
about their "guests" to their friends. All was done without any reward,
as the Jews escaped the ghetto with nothing more than what they had on
their backs. Yad Vashem recognized the parents and the 3 older (of
the 7) children "Righteous" on Jan. 21, 1988. Case No. 3584.
It was started in 1986. See: Riwash, op. cit.
NIETYKSZA, Bronislaw
NIEWIADOMSKI, Leopold Zygmunt
NIEWIADOMSKI, Jadwiga (1918-1086)
born MIELNICKI, wife
Jadwiga registered inhabitants
of some buildings in Warsaw. This allowed her to give Jews birth
certificates of deceased persons, on which "proof" they could get "Kennkarten.
From this aid benefited: the five (5) Leszczynskis, Marek Buznicki, and
his parents Marcel and Salomea. Marceli wrote in 1973 that he stayed in
Jadwiga's house for 17 months treated like a member of a family.
Janina defended him even from extortionists. But her war experiences
ruined her health and she became invalid. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
NIEWIEDZKI, Irena, daughter
NIEWIEDZKI, Zofia, daughter
NIEWIRKIEWICZ, Denisi (Dionizy?)
NIEZGODA, Aniela, wife
NIEZNANSKI, Stanislawa,
see GOSZKOWSKI, S. & M., parents?
NIZIOLEK, Kazimierz (1915-)
NIZIOLEK, Wanda (1922-)
born REK, wife
The couple Niziolek lived
at Skarzysko-Kamienna. Before the liquidation of the ghetto there
in October 1942, they helped the family of Ber Lejba Lewin. As they
did not have the conditions to hide anybody, they placed one Lewin daughter,
Eugenia Margules, at Wanda's parents, Wladyslaw and Marianna Rek (q.v.)
in Grodzisk Mazowiecki. The latter, having just one room and a kitchen,
harbored later four persons, including Eugenia's sister, Chawa, whom Kazimierz
extricated from the ghetto and even the Niziolek couple, as the Gestapo
hunted Kazimierz. In moments of particular danger Kazimierz conducted
the two Lewin sisters from the cellar to the forest and they survived but
their family perished. In 1974 Chawa attested that the help of the
two couples not only endangered their life, but was entirely disinterested.
See: Grynberg, op. cit.
NOGAJ, Maria
NOGAJ, Krystyna, daughter
see RYCHLEWICZ, Wladyslaw, Prof., father?
NOSOL, Piotr
NOSOL, Aniela, wife
NOWAK, Stefania, wife
NOWAK, Franciszek (not relate)
NOWAK, Genowefa, wife
NOWAK, Rozalia, daughter
NOWAK, Wieslawa, daughter
NOWAK, Franciszek (another
one, not related)
NOWAK, Malgorzata, wife
NOWAK, Franciszek, son
NOWAK, Rudolf, son
NOWAK, Franciszek (still
another one, not related)
NOWAK, Wiktoria, wife
NOWAK, Helena (not
NOWAK-LOZA, Irena (not related)
see LOZA, Stefania, mother?
NOWAK, Julianna (not related)
NOWAK, Konrad (not related)
NOWAK, Lucjan Witold (1913-1974)
(not related)
NOWAK, Stanislawa Janina
(1916-1986) wife
This couple lived in Warsaw.
From Nov. 1, 1942 they took into their apartment Daniel Ryflinski, whom
Lucjan Witold met in a train. Daniel lost his parents, was in the
hospital and decided to flee the ghetto. He stayed with the Nowaks
till the Warsaw Uprising. With the Nowak's help he reached Piaseczno
and survived. In 1945 he went to Israel. He maintained contact
with the Nowaks till their death. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
NOWAK, Ludwik (not related)
NOWAK, Aniela, wife
NOWAK, Lucja (not related)
see KALUCKI, Maria
NOWAK-BOZEK, Maria (not
NOWAK, Rudolf (not related)
NOWAK, Joanna, wife
NOWAK, Tadeusz(not related)
NOWAK, Teofil (not related)
NOWAKOWSKI, Zofia, wife
Antoni lived in Cracow and
was an employee of a German company. He met Antoni Ginzburg, from
Lvov, who worked then in a transport company, belonging to Franciszek Wilk.
Their acquaintance changed to friendship. When Ginzburg was forced
to resign from his work at Wilk's Company, Antoni found him work in another
transport company, this time a German one. In its warehouse Ginzburg
hid his daughter, Zofia and his son, Tadeusz. Antoni stated that
Ginzburg belonged to ZWZ (first Polish military underground organization,
later called AK, the Home Army) and was in contact with the Plaszow camp.
On his request Antoni organized a truck, with which the driver, Piotr Podskalny,
drove out of the ghetto a sizable group of Jews to the Niepolomicki forest.
Similarly, at Ginzburg's request - in a German car, with Jozef Kuciek driving
- he took a physician couple, with three grandchildren, from Cracow to
Slomniki and in broad daylight at that. In February 1944 Ginzburg
went to a secret meeting and did not return. Antoni took Zofia to
his house and both she and her brother Tadeusz survived. See: Grynberg,
op. cit.
Janina lived with her parents,
Jan and Anna Nowickis and with his brother Wlodzimierz, in Warsaw.
Because of her father's death, she could not continue her studies and started
to work. As the street was mostly German-occupied, the family had
to go elsewhere, to Zlota Street. Janina worked then in a cinema:
"Nur fur Deutsche" (Only for Germans). There also worked a Jew, Henryk
Repa, from Lvov, whose true name was Herman Fleiszer. They both knew
German. On Feb. 18, 1943 the two married in the Catholic Church and
they lived with her mother and brother on Zlota Street. One day a
Jewish colleague from the Lvov University denounced Henryk, because the
Germans promised him to release his wife for denouncing Jewish students.
With a hefty sum and Anna's jewels, they succeeded to liberate him.
Repa moved for a certain time to another apartment. On his request,
at the end of 1943, Janina went to Lvov to fetch his mother, Salomea Fleiszer
with her granddaughter, Ania Fili and took them to their flat and later
placed them at Golkow, where they survived the occupation. At the
beginning of 1944 Janina went again to Lvov to fetch the two sisters of
Henryk Repa, and his brother-in-law, but they did not want to leave their
shelter with the Sacred Heart Convent. Unfortunately they did
not survive. Janina brought her husband back to Zlota Street before
the Warsaw Uprising and after it both found themselves in the Pruszkow
camp. Janina belongs to the very rare group of people who beyond
being recognized by Yad Vashem as "Righteous", received also the citizenship
of the State of Israel. In 1989 Janina told a journalist from the
"Folks Sztyme" (Jewish voice): "I did nothing extraordinary. I just
tried simply to help some Jews on my own and succeeded in it. They
live today, have families and are happy." See: Grynberg, op. cit.
Edmund, husband
(not related) (CZAJKA, Tekla?)
NOWICKI, Mieczyslaw (1895-19420
(not related)
NOWICKI-GRZYB, Tekla ((1906-1988)
NOWICKI, Czeslaw Ryszard
(1928-) son
The Nowicki family, originally
from Vilna, resided in Warsaw during the war. Many Jews, benefited
from their help, among them: Mieczyslaw and Maria Elster, Hipolit Grynwaser,
Barbara and Stefan Hudyn, Dorota and Stanislaw Kopel, Ala and Stanislaw
Muller, Mieczyslaw Pernowicz, Henryka Sokolow-Merszewicz, Estera Warsztacki
and others. Help consisted in organizing false papers for them, finding
them shelter, including in their own apartment, transferring some from
Stryj to Warsaw. One of them, Stanislaw Kopel, perished in the Warsaw
Uprising (1944) and most of them left Poland. Mieczyslaw Nowicki
in September 1942 in Auschwitz.
See: Grynberg, op. cit.
(not related
NOWICKI, Wladyslaw (not related)
NOWINSKI, Janina, wife
NOWINSKI, Waclaw, son
Waclaw Nowinski was a sergeant
major of the Blue (Polish) police on duty in April 1943, a few days before
the Ghetto Uprising. Aleksander Bronowski, a Jewish lawyer from Lublin,
managed up to that moment, to hide with the help of Poles on the "Aryan"
side of Warsaw. He spoke good Polish and had credible false papers.
Nonetheless he was arrested temporarily at a Polish police station to be
transferred to the German police the next day. He tried to speak
to the first policeman on duty, but was disappointed. He tried to
do the same with the next one and spoke with him for 3 hours, in which
he admitted being Jewish. That policeman, Waclaw, told him "I must
save you". He left the station unattended for 4 hours, which was
a serious breach of regulations and told Aleksander that he had bribed
two German policemen, who would accept from him 5,000 zlotys and leave
him free. When this happened, Aleksander came back to return the
money to Waclaw, plus 2,000 zlotys more. Waclaw was incensed. It was
with great difficulty that he convinced Waclaw to accept the 2,000 zlotys,
to aid other Jews in distress. Waclaw warned Aleksander when danger
loomed and occasionally hid him in his apartment. With the help of
Janina and Waclaw's son (17) other Jews were also sheltered. Waclaw
harbored also a Jewish family, the Berkowiczes in March 1943. They
stayed in shacks built on a raft floating on the Vistula River. Waclaw
brought them food every second day by a barge and when it became too cold,
he placed them with his sister-in-law. See: Paldiel, op. cit. and
Prekerowa, op. cit.
NYCZ, Bronislaw see LUBICZ-NYCZ,
NYCZ-LUBICZ, Izabella see
  