390. NALEWAJKA, Jan,
from Wola Przybyslawska, near Garbow, Lublin prov.
391. NALEWAJKA, Julia,
his wife
Burned alive on Dec. 10,
1942, in their own home together with their three children and the sheltered
Jews (see: 3-6).
392. * NEY, Julian,
physician in Jaslo, Krosno prov.
Killed by the Gestapo for
saving a Jewish woman from Jaslo: Sara Diller. Posthumously awarded
the medal of "Righteous Among the Nations". Sara in tears told this
researcher her story in Jerusalem in 1985. (see: 37).
393. NIECPON, Jan,
56, living at Zolynia, near Lezajsk, Rzeszow prov.
Shot by the local gendarmes
in May 1944, together with a Jewish woman, fugitive from Bialobrzegi, whom
he sheltered.
394. NIELACNY, Wladyslaw,
42, worker, living at Chorzenice, near Radomsko,
Czestochowa prov.
Arrested in Mar. 1943 and
then shot for aiding Jews.
395. NIEPSUJ, Anna,
45, living at Klikowa, Tarnow prov.
Murderd by members of the
Gestapo from Tarnow, on Apr. 8, 1943,
with two (2) Jews sheltered
by her.
396. NIZIOL, Aniela,
50, living at Lancut, Rzeszow prov.
Arrested for sheltering the
Wolkenfeld family; shot in the local court building on Aug. 24, 1942.
397. NOWAK, Maria,
18, farmer, from Podszkole,near Ostorwiec Swietokrzyski, Kielce prov. A search
on April 6, 1943, resulting from a denunciation, was carried out in her house
by the military police from Ostrowiec. Even tough no sheltered Jews were discovered,
as they took refuge elsewhere, Maria and Leokadia Swarlinska, mother of
a 3 years old child, were sent to concentration camps. Leokadia survived,
but Maria perished.
398. NOWAK, Tadeusz,
39, living at Skarzysko Kamienna, Kielce prov.
Hanged in public at the Hassag-Werke
factory at Skarzysko for smuggling food to Jews working there.
399. NOWAK, Teofil,
living at Posadza, near Koniusza, Cracow prov.
400. NOWAK (Christian
name unknown), his daughter
Killed on June 22, 1943,
for Teofil's involvment in aiding Jewish people. Maria and Stanislaw
Wierzbanowski, Zebala and Katarzyna Zmuda with her children, were
shot at the same time (see: 644-645, 698, 702-704).
401. NOWAK (Christian
name unknown) from Wierzbica, near Kozlow, Kielce prov.
402. NOWAK, (Christian
name unknown), daughter
Shot on Jan. 29, 1943 for
sheltering the Wandelsman family who were also killed (see: 289-292).
403. NOWOTNIK, Stanislaw,
45, farmer, living at Swiesielice, Radom prov.
Murdered on Dec. 7, 1942
in a group of 14 people by the gendarmes from Ciepielow for help given
to Jews (see: 84).
Mother Superior of the convent of the Immaculate Conception, Slonim (place
incorporated after the war into Soviet Ukraine)
Shot in 1941 with Sister
Marta Wolowska for sheltering Jews in the nunnery (see: 674).