498. RACHTAN, Kazimierz,
living in Cracow
Sentenced to death by the
Standgericht of Cracow for associating with and helping Jewish people;
public announcement dated Jan. 29, 1944.
499. RACHWALSKI, Aleksandra,
35, living at Stara Wies, near Hrubieszow, Zamosc prov.
Shot by the Wehrmacht soldiers
with a Jew and his 2-3 years old child
sheltered by her.
500. RACZYNSKI, Piotr,
35, living at Motycz Lesny, near Lublin
Shot by German gendarmes
in March 1942 under the charge of aiding Jews.
501. RADOMSKI, Stanislaw,
living in Lvov (city incorporated into Ukraine) Executed on Mar. 7, 1944
in the local Brygidki prison for sheltering a small Jewish girl in Drohobycz.
502. RADWAN, Feliks, living
at Koszowka, near Zakopane, Cracow prov. Sentenced to death for sheltering
Jews; verdict passed by the Standgericht of Cracow, at Zakopane, on Jan
29, 1942.
503. RADWANSKI, Anna
Danuta, engineer, living at Slatkowice, near Sadowne, Siedlce prov.
Arrested in July 1943 for
sheltering a Jewish woman with a 15 years old son, who were killed immediately.
Radwanski was taken to the Pawiak prison in Warsaw and then sent to Auschwitz,
where she died in April 1944.
504. RADZIK, Stanislaw,
40, farmer from Luzna, near Gorlice, Nowy Sacz prov.
505. RADZIK, Maria,
his wife
Stanislaw was shot on Sep.
30, 1943 at Gorlice for sheltering four (4) Jews. His wife was murdered
on Jan. 26, 1944, during the investigation.
506. RAFALOWICZ, Adam,
60, living in Radom
Shot on Sep. 18, 1942 for
rendering help to Jews.
507. RASZEJA, Franciszek,
46, professor and physician, living in Warsaw
Murdered on July 27, 1942,
in the Warsaw ghetto, where he went, with
a permit, called by a patient,
Abe Gutmajer; all occupants of that flat were killed.
508. REBIS, Jozef,
61, farmer, living at Polomia, near Tarnow, Rzeszow prov.
509. REBIS, Anna,
his wife
510. REBIS, Zofia,
27, daughter
511. REBIS, Wiktoria,
24, daughter
512. REBIS, Karol,
19, son
Murdered during a house search,
together with nine (9) Jews whom they sheltered, on Sep. 9, 1943 by the
German police from Debica. Killed also were Piotr Gawrys, Zofia Miela,
and two other Poles. Together 9 people (see: 140, 382).
513. * ROGINSKI, Janina,
living at Wegrow, Siedlce prov.
Shot on June 15, 1943 by
the military policemen from Wegrow, who discovered Jews hidden in
the barn, incl. Moshe Ptak. Posthumously awarded the medal of "Righteous
Among the Nations".
514. ROGOZINSKI, Maria,
40, worker from Wierbka, near Pilica, Katowice prov.
5, son
There was a group of Jews
sheltered in the cellar of their house. Early in January 1943, when
the Rogozinskis were away, volksdeutch neighbours (see: end of 256) brought
the Gestapo, who murdered all the Jews together with Piotr Sendra, and
Piotr Podgorski. The Gestapo threatened that the whole village would
be punished if the Rogozinskis didn't show up, with the result that they
were given away to the Germans and were killed on Jan 15, 1943. (see:
473, 543).
516. ROKICKI, Stanislaw,
living in a forester's lodge Czarna, near Minsk Mazowiecki, Siedlce prov. Shot
on Mar 13, 1943, together with the five (5) Jews sheltered: Teresa Powazek
and her husband, Helena Szpindler and her mother, Abram Slomka, and two (2)
fugitive Soviet POW's.
517. ROZANSKI, Maria,
living in Radom Sentenced to death with others
on Apr. 3, 1943, by a special court in Radom for helping Jewish women:
Ela Szwarcman and Sala Rubinowicz (see: 59-60).
518. RUCHALA, Jozef,
living at Librantowa, near Nowy Sacz
519. RUCHALA, Weronika
his wife
Shot for supplying food to
Jews hiding in a forest.
520. RUDECKI, Maria,
48, owner of an estate at Wodzislaw, near Sedziszow, Kielce prov. Shot on
Apr. 27 for repeated help to Jewish people.
521. RUMAK, Jakub,
34, from Przewrotne, near Glogow Malopolski, Rzeszow prov.
522. RUMAK, Józef,
Shot on June 10, 1943 in
a mass execution for sheltering Jews at Hucisko (see:19-20).
523. RUMIN, Maria,
farmer, living at Popradow, near Nowy Sacz
524. RUMIN, Jan, her
Shot with the five (5) Jews
they sheltered: the Kaufer family from Zawada.
525. RUSIN, Antoni,
41, from Przewrotne, near Glogow Maopolski, Rzeszow prov. Killed on Mar. 13,
1943 in a group of thirty (30) Poles for helping Jews (see: 49-51).
526. RUTKOWSKI, Dawid,
living at Ignacow, Siedlce prov.
Shot on Mar. 30, 1943, together
with Jan Gawrych and Stanislaw Skuza and a group of Jewish partisans they
helped (see: 139).
527. RUTKOWSKI, Wladyslaw,
living at Chodniow, near Biala Rawska, Skierniewice prov.
528. RUTKOWSKI, Genowefa,
his wife
Sentenced to death by a special
court in Piotrkow, on June 23, 1943, for sheltering Chaim Beleberg and
another Jew. Both died with them.
529. RUTKOWSKI, Jozef,
living at Tymienica, near Chotcza, Radom prov.
Killed at the end of 1942,
with five (5) others for helping Jews (see: 320-322).
530. RYBA, Jozef, 23,
living at Jaworze Dolne, near Tarnow, Rzeszow prov.
Murdered on Feb. 4, 1943
with Maria Kaluza and her family for sheltering Jews (see: 208)
531. RYBAK, Katarzyna,
60, from Lipowiec, near Zwierzyniec, Zamosc prov.
Killed for her coincidental
presence at the house of Wojciech Kusiak, whose family was murdered for
sheltering Jews (see: 311-313).
532. RYCERZ, Anna Maria,
living in Warsaw
Arrested on Dec. 2, 1943
with her sisters: Jadwiga Sledz and Janina Zelichowski, and a relation,
Helena Sledz, for help rendered to Jews. All four were placed in
the Pawiak prison and shot on Dec. 10, 1943 in the ruins of the ghetto
(see: 606-607, 701).
533. RYGIEL, Pawel,
living at Wierzbica, near Kozlow, Kielce prov.
534. RYGIEL (Christian
name unknown) his wife
535. RYGIEL (Christian
name unknown) their son
Shot together by gendarmes
with Pawel Wandersman and his sister in December 1943, for sheltering Jews
(see: 631-632).
536. RZYSKO, Edward,
living at Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
Shot on June 28, 1943, in
a group of 25 Poles for sheltering Jews (see: 9)