692. ZABOROWSKI, Franciszek,
40, from Zajaczkow, near Ciepielow, and Radom
He was killed in January
1943 by the military police from Ciepielow, together with the Wolowiec
family, for sheltering Jews. (see 668-673)
693. ZAGANCZYK, Jan,
living in Cisie, near Ceglow, Siedlce prov.
Killed on June 28, 1943 with
other Cisie peasants for help given to Jews (see: 9)
694. ZAGORSKI, Piotr, farmer
from Kozlowek, near Strzyzow, Rzeszow prov.
Gendarmes shot him with
others in June of 1943 at Markuszowa, for help to Jews hiding in the nearby
forest (see:426)
695. ZAJAC, Franciszek, from
Wola Skrzydlanska, near Limanowa, Nowy Sacz
He was sent to Dachau , where
he died, for sheltering a Jewess, also killed.
696. ZAJAC, Ludwik, living
in Cisie, near Ceglow. Siedlce prov.
He was killed on June 28,
1943 with others for help to Jews. (see: 9)
697. ZAJDEL, Karolina, living
in Nadolno, near Krosno
Arrested at the end of 1944
by the gendarmes she was murdered in the Dukla prison. The Jew sheltered
by her was killed while he tried to escape
698. ZEBALA, Mr. from Posadza
near Koniusza, Cracow prov.
He was shot in a group of
8 Poles on June 22, 1943 in Posadza for sheltering Jews (see: 399-400)
699. ZIELINSKI, Mrs., wife
of an industrialist from Lvov,
Arrested in the fall of 1942
for sheltering a Jew, also an industrialist. She died in Majdanek
700. ZIELINSKI, Rozalia,
35, farmer, from Gumniska, near Debica, Tarnow prov.
The gendarmes shot her on
July 17, 1943 for sheltering Samuel Wind, a tailor
701. ZELICHOWSKI, Janina,
from Warsaw
Arrested on Dec. 2, 1943
together with her sisters Anna Rycerz and Jadwiga Sledz, and with Helena
Sledz, a relative of Jadwiga, for helping Jews; all four were put in the
Pawiak prison and were shot in the ruins of the ghetto on Dec. 10, 1943
(see: 607)
702. ZMUDA, Katarzyna, 40,
from Posadza near Koniusza, Cracow prov.
703. ZMUDA, Teresa, 18,
704. ZMUDA, Zdzislaw, 10,
They were all shot on June
22, 1943 in Posadza in a group of 8 Poles for sheltering Jews (see: