JABLONSKI, Roman (not related)
JABLONSKI, Wincenty (not
JABLONSKI, Krystyna, wife
JABLONSKI, Stanislaw, son
JABLONSKI, Zdzislaw, son
JABLONSKI, Zofia, daughter
This working class family
lived at Niwka, near Sosnowiec. Wincenty had several Jewish acquaintances.
Before the transfer of the inhabitants of the Sosnowiec ghetto to Auschwitz
in summer 1942, Wincenty decided to help some of them. The 15 years
old Stanislaw managed to conduct two women with their children out of the
ghetto: Salomea Zylberman with her six years old daughter Pola and Teodora
Cukierman with her five years old daughter, Liliana, and bring them home,
where they stayed until the end of the German occupation. As the
guests did not have any material possessions, the family of five, in which
only Stanislaw and Zofia worked, had to make great efforts to feed all
of them. They did this, according to statements of three of the persons
saved, from purely humanitarian concerns. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JACEWICZ, Czeslaw, son
JACEWICZ, Elzbieta, daughter
see SZCZESNY, Florian, father
JACHACZ, Stanislawa
JACHOWICZ, Ryszard, son
JACKOW, Bronislawa, wife
JACKOW, Stanislaw (not related)
Stanislaw, living in the
town Stanislawow (incorporated into Ukraine) had a high school friend,
Max Saginur. On January 31, 1943 he took from the ghetto Max, his
wife Gitya and two relatives into his home. First he put them behind
his kitchen, building in it a partition. Soon he realized that it
is not sufficient and prepared a hideout in the cellar. Being a carriage-maker,
he brought from his shop upholstered leather cushions and arranged them
on wooden benches as beds. He enlarged the shelter to accommodate
more and more persons, until they numbered 31. Most came without
any resources, hungry and in rags. With the help of the men in the
group he drilled a 25 foot well, equipped it with a hand operated water
pump, built an outdoor toilet, and thus provided water for all needs, a
luxury which he did not have even himself. He spent much time with
his guests, keeping up their spirits, joking that he is running the biggest
hotel in Stanislawow. His own mother and sisters did not realize
the extent of that help. One day he learned from a Ukrainian friend
that some anti-Semitic Ukrainian partisans intended to attack him.
For seven days they dug frantically a tunnel 125 feet long, 8 feet below
the street, from his house to the nearest sewer. During this operation
the sidewalk caved in, covering one of the diggers, Max Feuer with dirt.
With the commotion Gitya, -one of the two pregnant women in the group-
went into labor and gave birth to a stillborn baby, but the placenta did
not follow. A dentist from the group removed it and thus saved her
life. Outside, the Ukrainian partisans did not notice the cave in
and Germans searching the house did not find the trap door leading to the
hideout. For security reasons Stanislaw brought some arms and ammunition.
Suddenly the Germans conscripted him with many others for forced labor
in Germany. Fortunately Stanislaw managed to escape his captors and
returned home. On July 29, 1944 Russians occupied Stanislawow and
he could announce to his guests that they were free. Speaking to
Max Saginur, Stanislaw told him: "I did it for you, if they caught me saving
only you, they would kill me. I might as well be killed for thirty-one
as for one. But they won't catch us; this house is blessed".
When after the war 65 Jews emerged from their various hiding places -out
of 50,000 Jews living in Stanislawow before the war- almost half came from
the Jackow's house. See: Paldiel, op. cit.
see MAKUCH, Barbara
and mother SZYMANSKI born
JACYNA, Waclaw
JACYNA, Marcelina, wife
JADLINA, Modesta's father
JADLINA, Modesta's mother
The Jadlina family lived
at the village of Okszow, Lublin prov. Modesta found Chaim Baranek
in the woods. He had escaped with others from a forced labor camp.
First she brought food to the escapees, but later convinced her mother
to take Chaim home. Often they had to hide again in the forest.
After the war she married Chaim Baranek and they went to Israel.
See: Grynberg, op. cit.
see FLISIUK, Maria, mother
JAGIELLO, Janina, wife
JAGIELLO, Stefania (not related)
JAGIELLO, Ludomir, son
The Jagiellos lived in the
village of Chroscin, in the commune of Naruszewo, Plonsk district.
Izydor Legal, who had lost his wife and two daughters in the Plonsk ghetto,
escaped from the town and used to come to their farm for food. During
the last months of the occupation, they hid him on their farm. See: Grynberg,
Danuta (1919-1989) daughter
The two women lived with
Danuta's small son, Slawomir, at Legionowo, near Warsaw in their own one
family house. Olga's husband had died before the war, while Danuta's
husband, Tadeusz, took part in the September 1939 campaign and was interned
in the Soviet Union, which he left with the Army of General Anders and
with it fought at Monte Cassino, Italy. One night, during the massacre
of Jews in 1940, Chawa Zawiesinski, a school colleague of Danuta, knocked
on her window in a miserable state: in torn up underwear, barefoot and
bloody. Danuta took her into the house. Later came also Chawa's
brother, Jozef with his wife, his mother and sister. One day, about
a year later, they heard the dog barking furiously. The Germans burst into
the house looking for Jews; they shot the dog and the officer put the barrel
of his pistol against the breast of the three year old Slawomir, Danuta's
son, kept in her arms and shouted "Where are the Jews?"; the little
boy said: "There are no Jews here". Hearing that, the officer
relented and called off the search. After the war, the Zawiesinskis
went to Israel, but maintain a heartfelt contact with the two women, which
extend to the second generation. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
SZCZESNY, Florian & Wiktoria, parents
JAKSZ, Jerzy
JAKSZ, Czeslawa, wife
Janina see SZEPELOWSKI, Wladyslaw & Stanislawa, parents?
JAKUBOWSKI, Maria (not related)
(not related)
JAKUBOWSKI, Mieczyslaw (not
JAKUBOWSKI, Stanislaw (not
JAKUBOWSKI, Rozalia, wife
JAKUBOWSKI, Stanislaw's
mother Zofia
JAKUBOWSKI, Wladyslaw (not
JAKUBOWSKI, Maria, wife
JAKUBOWSKI, Zdzislaw (not
JAKUBOWSKI, Bronislawa,
JAKUBOWSKI, Helena, daughter
JAKUBOWSKI, Robert, son
see BOMBAS, Rozalia, mother?
JAMIOLKOWSKI, Janina, wife
JAMRO, Karol
JAMRO, Waleria, wife
JAMRO, Jan, son
JAMRO, Maria Augustyn, daughter
JANC, Boleslaw
JANC, Helena, wife
JANCZAK-ZAK, Hanna Barbara
see ZAK, Adam, father
JANCZAREK, Wladyslaw
JANCZARSKI, Genowefa, wife
JANCZARSKI, Bogdan, son
JANCZUK, Stanislaw, brother
JANCZURA, Anna, wife
JANCZURA, Ludwika, daughter
JANIAK, Helena
see ZAJACZKOWSKI, Regina, mother
JANICKI, Cyprian
JANICKI, Michalina, wife
JANICKI, Teodor, physician
(not related)
JANICKI, Zdzislawa, wife
JANICKI-MAJ, Zofia (not related)
JANISZEWSKI, Cecylia, wife
Irena worked during the war
on the estate of Parysow, near Warsaw. She extricated a group of
Jews from the Warsaw ghetto and hid them in her home. When this became
too dangerous, she took them to the nearby forest, providing for their
security and up-keep. They all survived. After the war she
married Ahron Landau and left with him for Israel. See: Grynberg
JANKIEWICZ, Tadeusz (1907-)
(another one, not related)
JANKIEWICZ, Wiera (1911-)
Tadeusz and Wiera lived in
the village of Losiniec, near Turka, on the river Stryj, Lvov prov. (incorporated
after the war into the Soviet Ukraine). In August 1942 several Jews
took refuge in a dugout in the forest to avoid the transfer from the Turka
ghetto to the Belzec extermination camp. Dr. Zofia Rozenberg, a physician,
was the only one who survived an attack by gendarmes on the dugout on December
31. She laid herself down on the snow, wearing only her white underwear
and so was not noticed. She knocked on the first house she found,
that of the Jankiewicz couple. They admitted her immediately and
took care of her. In the summer of 1943 they also took in Dr. Edmund
Kleinmann, another physician, from Cracow, who during the war had stayed
in the Turka ghetto and managed to flee after being taken to a camp.
After the war the two returned to Poland. Dr. Zofia settled in Gliwice
and married the lawyer Rozenkranz. Together they later went to Israel.
Dr. Kleinmann-Woloszynski became Health director of the district of Jelenia
Gora. His daughter, Lidia Siciarz from the USA, proposed the recognition
of the couple Jankiewicz. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JANKOWERNY, Kazimiera see
see ZARYN, Stanislaw, husband
(not related) see PASZKOWSKI, Eleonora, mother
(not related) see OLIZAR, Wladyslaw, husband
JANKOWSKI, Jozef (not related)
(not related) see BERCZYNSKI, K.
Nina see DOCHMACKI, Aleksandra,
JANOWSKI, Wanda (not related)
see WOJCIK, Wladyslaw, husband
JANTON, Bronislawa, wife
Jan, 31 years old, living
at Wola Brzostecka, provided food to 6 Jews hiding in the woods.
Killed with them on Dec. 8, 1942 he was recognized posthumously as "Righteous"
and described here in the list of "Those Who Paid with Their Lives".
JANULEWICZ, Boleslaw, son
JANULEWICZ, Leokadia, daughter
JANUS, Stanislaw
JANUS, Marianna, wife
JANUS, Bronislaw, son
JANUSZKIEWICZ, Janusz, brother
JARMOLOWICZ, Jozefa, wife
It is impossible to do justice
to the most moving account of what this woman, Leokadia Jaromirski, went
through. To understand this fully, you would have to read theover
40 pages dedicated to her in the book by Arieh L. Bauminger "The
Righteous among the Nations". Yad Vashem, 1990. In a few words:
Leokadia found an abandoned Jewish baby girl, whom she called Bogusia (beloved
by God) gave her love and made sacrifices for her like the most devoted
of mothers, going with her and for her sake through hunger, cold, vermin,
bombs, amid enemies, and desolation. She even stole for her.
After the war, the girl's father reclaimed her and Leokadia had to give
her up to him and part with her forever. Bogusia is now in Israel,
married with three children. She corresponds with Leokadia.
JAROS, Roch's wife
JAROS, Andrzej, son
JAROS, Jan, son
JAROS, Witold, son
JAROSZ, Franciszek
JAROSZ, Agata, wife
JAROSZ, Franciszek, (another
one, not related)
JAROSZ, Maria, wife
JAROSZ, Jozef, son
JAROSZ, Stanislawa, daughter
JAROSZ, Zygmunt (not related)
In 1940 Zygmunt was interned
in the forced labor camp of Hassag Werke near Skarzysko Kamienna (Kielce
prov.). As a guard there, he helped Jews, smuggling food, garments
and medicines into the camp. Specifically, he saved 19 years old
Chaim Sliski. He received his medal from Yad Vashem on May 6, 1999
in Lublin, Poland, as announced the Israeli Embassy in Poland
JAROSZYNSKI, Halina, wife
JAROSZYNSKI, Klara, daughter,
a nun
JASIEWICZ, Eugeniusz (1895-1992)
JASIEWICZ, Jozefa wife
Eugeniusz worked for the
Warsaw Municipal government in the Census Section and was the registration
official for several apartment buildings. Thus, he could help many
Jews. He did it mostly by providing them with false identification
papers, and sometimes by finding them hiding places, among them in his
own only room. He helped among others: Jozef Enis, Laja Klentner,
Irena Sedzin, Janina Skrzybalski and her daughter and sister. He
co-operated in this with Jerzy Wieczorek (q.v.). Jozef Enis testified
in 1949 that Eugeniusz did this without any material reward and even when
Jozef was in need, Eugeniusz asked his friends to extend financial help
and such help always materialized. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JASIK, Stanislaw
?) Julianna ((1908-1972)
The families Blachowicz,
Goldstein, Elzbieta Rozental and Mania Rozenberg
benefited from the help
of Julianna in Warsaw. She is credited to have rescued twenty one
(21) Jews, of whom 17 survived. See: Grynberg, op. cit. and Bartoszewski
& Lewin, op. cit.
JASINSKI, Stanislaw (not
JASINSKI, Wladyslawa (1915-)
(not related)
Wladyslawa worked in Warsaw
in a linen shop. At work she befriended Emilia Mass, her sister Pola
and their family. The sisters lost their parents when they were forced
to come to the "Umschlagplatz" (point of departure for Treblinka) in the
summer of 1942. Wladyslawa managed to extricate the two sisters from
the ghetto and put them up with a friend of hers and later with her family.
She provided for them false birth certificates and Kennkarten.
Thus, the two sisters even got jobs. They stayed with Wladyslawa
during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, the transition camp at Pruszkow and
the sojourn in the country near Radom, always as her close relatives.
In April 1945 they returned to Warsaw. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JASKOLKA, Stanislaw
JASKOLKA, Maria, wife
JASKOLKA, Wladyslaw, son
JASTRZEBSKI, Bogdan, son
(not related) see LIS, Helena, mother
JASZCZUK, Bronislawa, wife
JASZKIEWICZ, Czeslaw, son
JASZKIEWICZ, Anna, Czeslaw's
JASKIEWCZ, Jan (1903-1961)
JASKIEWICZ, Maria (1905-1957)
JASKIEWICZ, Stanislaw (1926-1990)
The family Jaskiewicz (in
which there was also a daughter, Genia) farmed in the village of Dobrylowka,
Tarnopol prov. They had business contacts with artisans and shopkeepers
from Szczurowice, 5 km. away. In the fall of 1942 four of them, Fiszel
Fosch, Fridman, Parnas and Szterling who had escaped the march to the ghetto
at Brody, came to the Jaskiewicz farm. Maria brought them milk and
home made bread and the family prepared them a hiding place under the barn
with an exit to the fields. Shortly before the end of the occupation
the four guests had to move to the woods, as the village and the farm was
occupied by the fleeing Germans and Ukrainians. The four Jews left
Poland but maintain contact with the family. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
(not related) see GALECKI-JASKIEWICZ, Z.
JAWOROWICZ, Michalina, wife
see KIELAN, Franciszek & Krystyna, parents
Zofia does not appear on
the 1999 list, but is on the photo of the Honor wall in Yad Vashem; see
it at the beginning, and also on that with her parents and sister.
JAWORSKI, Anna (1903-)
JAWORSKI, Helena, daughter
JAWORSKI, Mikolaj, son
JAWORSKI, Olga, daughter
JAWORSKI, Wiktoria, daughter
Anna with her children harbored
on their farm at Mielniczne (Galicia) the couple Franciszek and Mendel
Zelfert with four children: Lot, Lusiek, Roza and Szaja. With the
help of their parents they built a hiding place in the stable with the
entrance from the barn. As the children started to get ill they moved
them to the loft in the house where conditions were a little better.
The Jewish family left Poland after the war. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JAWORSKI, Eugeniusz (1910-)
(not related)
JAWORSKI, Katarzyna (1906-)
The Jaworskis lived in Warsaw
before the war. Eugeniusz was mobilized in August 1939 and sent to
Vilna. When this city was occupied by the Soviets, he was interned,
but escaped the camp and returned to Warsaw. Toward the end of 1940
there came to them an acquaintance of Eugeniusz's sister, Jadwiga Strauch,
unknown to them. The couple organized for her a "Kennkarte" and registered
her as a maid. After a certain time Eugeniusz, a wood technician,
got a position in Sokolow Podlaski and later in the village of Grabownica
Stara near Ostrow Mazowiecki, to which all three moved. In July 1941
Hersz Biderman from Sokolow, whom Eugeniusz knew from previous business
contacts, asked refuge for himself, his two sisters and a three years old
son. Eugeniusz brought them to Nowa Grabownica where they were placed
with Kazimierz Hrynkiewicz, and Hersz even got a job. It was quite
near to the Treblinka camp; Germans visited the place often. In spite
of that, all survived and the Bidermans left Poland for Nicaragua.
Jadwiga Strauch, called by the children "grandmother", invited the Jaworskis'
daughter, Anna, to Israel for a few months. Jadwiga Strauch left
them her modest savings in her will. An interview of Jadwiga and
Anna was published in the Polish language "Nowiny i Kurier" in Israel.
See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JAWORSKI, Henryk (not related)
JAWORSKI, Maria, wife
(not related)
JAWORSKI, Pawel (not related)
JEDNORAK, Florentyna, wife
JEDNORAK, Stanislawa, daughter
JEDYNAK, Jozef, alias "DZIADEK"
JEDYNAK-DYMEK, Wanda alias
"JADWIGA", wife
Jozef Jedynak was one of
many persons who distributed monthly stipends provided to Jews-in-hiding
by the Cracow Section of Zegota. The following co-operated with him:
Wanda, his wife, Stanislawa Cebulak, alias "Ewa", Feliks and Maria Marszalek,
Mieczyslaw Bobrowski, alias "Mieciu"(q.v.), Franciszka Mehl, alias "Niusia",
Jozefa Kaliczynski, alias "Ziuta II ", Anna Kuciel-Kowalczyk, alias "Baska",
Teodor Galacinski, Stanislaw Cekiera, alias "Wasal", Janina Eisele, now
Swierz, Jozef Oporski, Mikolaj Golaszewski, Jan Sawicki (q.v.) and others.
Several of them also harbored Jews in their homes. The direction
of the distribution of these monthly allowances was in the hands of Wladyslaw
Wojcik (q.v.) and Anna Dobrowolski (q.v.) See: Prekerowa, op. cit.
Those who do not have the letters (q.v.) after their names have not been
recognized as yet.
JEDYNAK, Maria (1890-1980)
JEDYNAK, Irena (1919-) daughter
(1922-) daughter
JEDYNAK, Waclaw (1926-)
JEDYNAK, Mieczyslaw, son
Maria and her children farmed
in the village of Mostki, Kielce prov. Her daughter Helena worked
in the German ammunition factory of Hassag, in Skarzysko-Kamienna.
Helena brought food to the Jews in the factory and in the nearby camp.
In July 1944 during the liquidation of Jews, three of them asked Helena
for help: Aleksander Moksel, Henryk Szerman and Feliks Zygreich.
Helena took them to her mother's house. After a certain time another
family took in Feliks, but the other two remained with the Jedynaks in
a hideout in the barn. Before the liberation, German soldiers stayed
on the farm and kept their military gear in that same barn, which made
feeding the Jews very difficult and leaving the hideout at night practically
impossible. In spite of that, all three survived. Henryk returned
to Plock, his town, the other two emigrated from Poland. See: Grynberg,
op. cit.
see MADEJ, Mieczyslaw, husband
JETKIEWICZ, Janina, wife
JETKIEWICZ, Maria, daughter
(not related)
& Anna, parents
JEZIERSKI, Wladyslaw (not
JEZIERSKI, Anna, wife
JEZIERSKI, Wladyslaw, (another
one, not related)
JEZIERSKI, Wladyslaw's father
JEZIERSKI, Wladyslaw's mother
Wladyslaw with his parents
farmed at Wierzbnik, Kielce prov. He found two men in the forest,
Abraham Sheiner and Ariel Lustgarten, completely exhausted; they had fled
from the German arms factory in Starachowice during the massacre of Jews.
The two men were the only ones who survived the pursuit and dodged German
bullets. He told them how to come at night to his parents' cottage.
Anna nursed Abraham's wounds and brought him back to health. After
a month he left the farm, but Ariel remained with them till the end.
Abraham went to Israel and Ariel to Colombia. Both maintain contacts
with Wladyslaw. See: Paldiel, op. cit. and Grynberg, op. cit.
JEZIORSKI, Wladyslaw
JEZIORSKI, Anna, wife
JEZIORSKI, Marian, son
JEZ, Jadwiga Paulina
(1908-1991) chemist, professsor
When Professor Jezowski was
threatened by deportation from Lvov to Germany for forced labor, she accepted
to become the director of a German factory, in place of Dr. Emil Taschner
(a Jew), its previous director. Other Jews also worked there.
All of them were ordered to gather at a certain point in town. Boguslawa
advised them to hide rather than obey. She concealed Dr. Emil Taschner
in a great barrow in the factory hall. Those who obeyed the order,
ca. 1000 people, were transported out of the town, to a place called Piaski,
and almost all were killed. In 1943 the factory was taken over by
the Wehrmacht (German Army). All the personnel had to be transferred
to another place. Two workers, a Pole, Stanislaw Koscielewski, and
an Ukrainian, Jozef Dudzinski covered Dr. Taschner, standing before him
in a street car, while Boguslawa, who participated in the cover-up, elegantly
dressed with make-up and a veil, hid the doctor from sight by standing
behind him. There was another person who knew about the hidden Dr.
Taschner: a German captain Hartman. He gave him even a false identification
document, but was called off to Germany. Thus Dr. Emil saw the liberation
by the Soviets. In November 1945 he went by university transport
to Wroclaw (Breslau) and was able to work as a scientist. In 1953
he became the chairman of the Chemistry Department at the Technical Academy
of Gdansk (Dantzig). See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JEZYK, Jozef
see WROCZYNSKI, Edward & Jozefa, parents? She does not appear
on the 1999 list, but did before
MACH, Stanislaw & Honorata, parents
JEDRZEJKO, Jan (1900-1964)
JEDRZEJKO, Leonia (1904-)
(1926-) daughter
JEDRZEJKO, Jozef (1928-)
JEDRZEJKO, Zbigniew, son
The Jedrzejko family resided
at Jelechowiec, district of Zloczow, Lvov prov. In March 1943 an
inhabitant of the village brought them four Jewish women, Ida, Estera,
Klara Wittenberg and their stepmother, as their previous hiding place had
been "burnt" (became too dangerous). The women stayed in the stable
loft. Leonia also helped the husband of the eldest sister, Marcus
Zimand, to escape from the camp and allowed him to join the rest of the
family. The most dangerous situation developed when Wehrmacht soldiers
occupied the farm. Leonia used to bring food to the five fugitives
in a pot hid in a pail, calling chickens when going through the yard and
taking out waste at night. The persons saved left Poland at the end
of the forties and corresponded for a certain time with their saviors.
Only in 1985 were they able to reestablish contact with them thanks to
an article in the "Folks Sztyme" in Warsaw. See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JIRUSKA, Maria-Antonina,
JIRUSKA, Stefania, daughter
In the account of Maria Jiruska
and of many others you might read about the help by different Polish people,
even not recognized for their worthy deeds, coming from a most sincere
sympathy for the persecuted. She herself took part in the help to
ca. one hundred (100) Jews, as tells a note about her by the author.
See: Smolski: Za to Grozila Smierc, op. cit.
JOB, Jozef
JOB, Wiktoria, wife
JOB, Edward, son
JOB-BRYG, Izabela, daughter
JOB-PISAREK, Stefania, daughter
Helen Szturm and her father
were marched by the Germans to some unknown destination. A Jewish
policeman whispered to them: "save yourselves". Helen and her father
slipped away and tried to approach Polish friends for help, at first without
success. One man, whom they encountered, deprived them even of all
their possessions as a price for not denouncing them to the Germans.
But an old couple gave them lodging for a night and a woman gave them bread
and allowed them to warm up at her cottage. They plodded on foot
toward Tarnow, in snow up to their knees, for several days. Helen
could walk no more. Stefania Job met them completely exhausted and
invited them to her house, starting to walk with them, but suddenly she
disappeared. From the opposite side came her father Jozef, took Helen
in his arms and carried her to their house. The Jobs, who lived at
Lipiny with two sons and two daughters, gave Helen and her father food
and drink, clothed them and put them up in a nearby half-finished house,
taking turns in bringing them food. Helen and her father slipped
sometimes to the Jobs' cottage to warm up. So passed the winter of
1942-43. In spring Stefania, along with her brother, were ordered
to go for forced labor to Germany. Jozef volunteered instead of his
daughter. When the Soviets were approaching, the Germans ordered
everybody to leave. Helen and her father were taken into the forest
and the Jobs continued to bring them food there. Later Helen and
her father returned to the barn belonging to the Jobs and remained there
until the end of the occupation. See: Paldiel, op. cit
JONIUK, Eugenia, daughter
JONIUK, Leokadia, daughter
JONIUK, Zofia, daughter
JOPEK, Michalina
JOPEK, Krystyna, daughter
JORASZ, Bogdan
JOZWIAK, Leon (1898-1985)
JOZWIAK, Maria, wife
The Jozwiaks sheltered Rose
Yzhaki in Pruszkow, from August 1944 till the end. Jadwiga Wolynski
(q.v.) participated in this endeavor. Rose went on to the USA.
See: Grynberg, op. cit.
JOZWICKI, Wladyslaw
JOZWICKI, Franciszka, wife
JUKALO-UKALO, Walter, see
JURA, Jozef
JURA, Aleksandra, wife
JURDYGA, Henryka, wife
JUREK, Julia
JUREK, Leon (not related
to Julia nor Maria)
(not related) see BANASIEWICZ, Franciszek & Magdalena, parents (does
not appear on the 1999 List, but did before)
JURKIEWICZ, Waleria, wife
JURKIEWICZ, Olga, daughter
JURYTKO, Bronislawa, wife